Scott Santens Profile picture
Founder & President of @ITSAfoundation. I focus on unconditional/universal basic income (#UBI) and have a crowdfunded basic income (

Oct 11, 2021, 5 tweets

67% of over 1,000 Americans surveyed in new poll support #UBI. Support was strongest among Democrats (82%), Gen Z (79%), Finance and Insurance (71%), non-college grads (71%), and those earning under $25,000 (77%).…

The top benefit of UBI according to those surveyed was that it would decrease both poverty and inequality, and help those with poor health and disabilities.

The top concerns were that it would reduce the incentive to work and increase the national debt by costing too much.

When asked how people would use their UBI, most people said they'd save it for retirement, or save it for emergencies, or buy groceries, or pay off debt.

GenZ with the strongest support for UBI is the most likely to pay off student loan debt with it.

13% would buy a house. 🏡

A plurality of respondents said that even a UBI under $500/mo would be meaningful to them. On average, respondents felt that UBI would need to be at least $922/mo to be meaningful to them. Republicans wanted more money, while people earning under $25,000 would be happy with less.

46% of respondents supported fully universal basic income. On average, people felt that those with incomes over $241,000 should not be net recipients of UBI. 63% felt UBI should be limited to US citizens only.

Democrats were more likely to prefer means-testing than Republicans.

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