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Author of the book Hands-On #MachineLearning with #ScikitLearn, #Keras and #TensorFlow. Former PM of #YouTube video classification. Founder of telco operator.

Oct 12, 2021, 15 tweets

My favorite Python 3.5 feature: the matrix multiplication operator @
👇Python features thread👇

Other Python 3.5 features I often use:
- math.isclose()

Big 3.5 features I don't really use much:
- Coroutines with async and await
- Type hints

My favorite 3.6 feature: formatted string literals

Other 3.6 features I often use:

- Underscores in numeric literals like 1_000_000
- random.choices()
- math.tau to replace 2 * math.pi (obviously)

My favorite 3.7 feature: dataclasses

Other 3.7 feature I really like:

Legacy C locale coercion (PEP 538): locale-aware C extensions and child processes now use UTF-8 by default, rather than ASCII.

My favorite 3.8 feature: self-doc strings

Other 3.8 features I really like:

- from math import prod, dist, comb, perm
- functools.cached_property

I might start using the walrus operator as well:

Not sure I'll often use positional-only arguments, but okay, why not:

My favorite 3.9 feature: removing prefixes and suffixes. I know it sounds silly, but this is needed so often!
And the new syntax to merge dicts is nice too.

My favorite 3.10 feature: better error messages, including more precise error line numbers.

I'm not sure I'll use the new match/case feature from 3.10, though:

- it's elegant in some cases

- more to learn, harder for beginners
- unusual semantics: case args act a bit like function args, but they outlive the match/case
- goes against the "one-way to do things" principle

"If you don't like it, just don't use it" is not a valid argument unless you always work alone, and you never read anyone else's code.

So many great improvements, it's nice to see Python continue to improve! 🐍💕
<The End>

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