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Oct 12, 2021, 19 tweets

Information filed against Philadelphia Election Judge for stuffing ballot boxes from 2015-2019!

An information means the defendant waive indictment & is normally followed with a guilty plea to the charges!

Consultant-1 Ozzie Myers?

If the details confirm that ID as Former Representative Ozzie Myers was a Demmember of Congress who was busted by the FBI during the ABSCAM case. He's been a consultant to Dems wanting to win Philly elections since then! He's already awaiting trial on similar charges.

Consultant-1 installed this defendant as an election judge in 1988...

Ozzie Myers has been under investigation since they rigged the ballot boxes in the 2015 Primaries. An election where the consultant's stuffed the ballot box for PA Supreme Court Seats. Those SC Justices then illegally redrew the US Congressional Districts in PA.

Another election judge in Philly plead guilty in May of 2020 for ballot box stuffing.

Showing the process where they installed & corrupted each position at the polling place to allow corruption & voter fraud to occur.

We are left to wonder just how many wards in Philadelphia were corrupted by Consultant-1 & his cronies.

This is almost certainly Rep. Myers as it refers to the same judicial candidates he advised other election judges to add fraudulent votes for in 2015.

I wonder when African American voters are going to realize that Democratic Party insiders working with Irish & Italian organized crime figures have always been stuffing ballot boxes to limit the influence of black voters & access to city corruption.

The criminals would convince actual voters to vote for Consultant-1s clients & adjust how many fradulent votes to add into the ballot boxes to ensure the desired result to rig the elections.

Criminal judges would allow & "encourage" voters to vote for absent family members & get them to vot for Consultant-1s candidates.
Then they would falsify the voter rolls to include people who had not voted to cover up the extra ballots that they were stuffing in the ballot boxes

Then they would fradulently certify the election results.

The use of the term Overt Acts is tying this to a criminal conspiracy to commit the crimes &obstruct federal investigations into rigging these elections.

The conspiracy indluced rigging 10 consecutive elections from May 2015 until November of 2019.

But we all know it didn't start in 2015 or end in 2019. That's just when the FBI investigation put them under surveillance!

How many did they catch? All I hope

But this one flipped!

Count 2!

Rigging a federal election for a member of the House of Representatives & the U.S. Senate!

Count 3, conspirng with Consultant-1 to rig a federal election for a member of the US House of Representatives & the U.S. Senate.

Were these 2 candidates paying Consultant-1?

Why else would he pay election judges to stuff the ballots?

The US Senate candidate is easy, that is Senator Bob Casey Jr., son the former Pennsylvania governor.

Let's hope we see some questions for Casey if Ozzie Myers was working for his campaign...

I don't know the Philly election boundaries well (if anyone does) But it appears that the 39th Ward or most of it is in 3rd Congressional District where Representative Dwight Evans was the Democratic candidate for Congress.

Lots of Dem members of Congress from Philly have been busted in corruption cases. One Rep. Bob Brady, ranking member of the House committee that oversees federal elections, had his emails seized by the Feds in a murder for hire plot against a consultant.

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