John Della Volpe Profile picture
Pollster | Author of FIGHT: How Gen Z is Channeling Their Fear & Passion to Save America | @SocialSphere | @HarvardIOP | @MSNBC Contributor

Oct 12, 2021, 5 tweets

NEW POLLING I conducted and shared w/ @Morning_Joe team on social media, #Facebook, #Instagram.

1) Nearly 2/3 of Americans who use platforms believe life was better without them.

2) 42% of #GenZ addicted, can't stop if they tried.


3) Depressed, angry, alone are most common words Gen Zers associate with after checking Facebook.

4) Missing out and alone are tied with informed as the 3 words that Gen Zers most associate with their feelings after checking Instagram.


5) Social media users recognize that it has a net negative effect on politics, the media, the country and how we think of ourselves.

6) About one-in-three Gen Zers say that Instagram negatively impacts their body image -- about twice as likely as everyone else.


7) Two-thirds of social media users support government regulation of social media to protect children -- including 75% of Democrats and 68% of Republicans.


8) 80% believe there should be some penalty for Zuckerberg/others who were aware of the info whistleblower disclosed but refused to do anything about it

9) 30% believe criminal prosecution should be on table

10) Nearly half believe Congress should regulate content.


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