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Oct 13, 2021, 7 tweets

The church at Castlemartin cuts into a steeply sloping rock bank. Perhaps the proximity to a stream and two holy wells gave this site spiritual significance... Or perhaps, nestled in a tree-lined hollow, it offered invisibility from marauders coming from the sea...


This Pembrokeshire site is encircled by earth-banked encampments, possibly prehistoric, and an ancient burial mound, while several early pilgrim paths lead to the church. A 7th-9th century carved cross was found in the churchyard in 1922, but hasn't been seen for decades...


Architecturally, we can place the church in the late 12th century when the parish enjoyed wealth and status due the abundance of fertile, lime-rich soil in which crops thrive. The massive scalloped font and north arcade are the oldest visible remains of this early church.


The small carved faces on the arcades are described as having “a death-like appearance, with closed eyes and shrunken noses and lips.” It is interesting that these masks face north – traditionally the dark or ‘devil’s side’ of the church and could be figures of protection.


The 15th and 16th centuries brought much change to the church: the north and south chapels were removed, as was the north transept. Pre-Restoration sketches also indicate the presence of a west porch of Jacobean character of such size than it more resembled a chapel.


The 2nd Earl of Cawdor paid for the restoration of the church in the late 1850s. The church was re-roofed, re-floored and re-fenestrated, the vestry was added, and doorways rebuilt. As a legacy, encaustic tiles emblazoned with the Cawdor arms decorate the chancel floor.


In the early 20th century, most of the land in Castlemartin - 6,000 acres to be precise - was cleared by the government for use as an artillery range. The church closed in 2016 and was a bit of a milestone for the Friends, being the 50th church we adopted!


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