Andrew Fleischman Profile picture
I work on behalf of the wrongfully or unfairly convicted. I also try cases. Partner at Sessions & Fleischman.

Oct 13, 2021, 8 tweets

It's always so interesting reading worshipful interviews with Trump. Because he can't really stay on topic, there's a lot of talk about the things he owns and very little in the way of direct quotes.

"We discussed" this. Or he "rattled off" that. But few quotes.

What was in the "detailed" list of irregularities?

What was Trump's excellent advice for how to strengthen the GOP during the midterms? What were the arcane rules he was noting!?

You could have literally just written "he said a bunch of smart stuff."

I especially love the part where Hemingway, anticipating that people will think her interviews suck, says she's just not the sort of interviewer who expects people to answer her questions.

Instead they can just talk to her about whatever and she'll write it up glowingly.

Some weird glossy prose about how rich everyone is, followed by a weird downplaying of the fraud claims. "There's no proof of fraud but there was INTERFERENCE."

Which is to say, people wrote and said mean things about Trump. Which is a KIND of fraud I guess.

The "President's rhetoric" (again no direct quotes) but here, she says "he knows" what happened was unconstitutional, and then says that what happened was "arguably" unconstitutional.

Of course, waiting until after the election to challenge the rules didn't help.

When talking about Ben Sasse criticizing Trump, Hemingway uses some language familiar to anyone who's read the Constitution's treason clause.

You have to love that the man called COVID a hoax and then had this response after his own bout with it.

A classic ending to the piece, in which she provides a small advertisement for how great Mar-a-Lago is and is compensated by a "free" meal.

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