Benoy Shah MD Profile picture
Past President @BrHeartValveSoc Father•Son•Husband•Cardiologist (Imaging) Echocardiography & Heart Valve Disease. 🏏🏀🏓

Oct 13, 2021, 14 tweets


Great first day. My favourite presentation was on the Carmat Total Artificial Heart (C TAH), presented by Professor @netuka_ivan


The C TAH is probably the world's most advanced total artificial heart & is designed for patients with severe biventricular failure (i.e. for whom an LVAD would be insufficient).

It gained a CE mark last year and has an FDA approval for early feasibility studies


The device has an implantable prosthesis and an external power supply to which it is constantly connected


C TAH has 2 chambers, separated by a membrane into blood & fluid compartments. Electro-hydraulic pumps help produce pulsatile flow. Pressure sensors & electronics are embedded in the prosthesis. Biological valves are placed at the inlets and outlets of the ventricles


Prof Netuka shared an example of a 61yr old patient with severe BiV failure and fixed pulm HTN that could not be weaned from IABP and inotropic support


Pre-operative cross sectional imaging required to ensure adequate dimensions for the prosthesis, which currently only comes in one size


We were then introduced to Prof Netuka's team and then had a video explaining the steps of the operation


Transect the aorta and pulmonary arteries!


As a cardiologist rather than a surgeon I can't really walk you through this, other than to say it was fascinating to me!


Getting the AV junctions ready


And now the 'heart'!


A Cardiomems device is placed as well to assist monitoring of pulmonary pressures

Well deserved round of applause at the end!

Eager to see where this technology goes. It's not new. I think Carmat started work on this in the early 1990s, initially a collaboration between Alain Carpentier & engineers from a subsidiary of Airbus. More tomorrow!


Any experience with this in 🇬🇧 transplant centres?


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