A Nationalist Action cum Advocacy Think Tank operating at the interface of Academia, Industry & Government committed to the vision of a Divya & Bhavya Bharat...

Oct 15, 2021, 24 tweets

ReTHINK INDIA INSTITUTE finds itself privileged to get the opportunity to felicitate some of the finest & fiercest #DefendersofDharmicBharat in the name of the legendary Dharmic Intellectual #SitaRamGoel Ji, on his Centenary Commemoration on 16th of October, 2021 at 3 pm.

#SandeepBalakrishna Ji @dharmadispatch
One of the most cerebral #DefendersofDharmicBharat whose writings are as incisive & as invigorating as #SitaRamGoel Ji himself. If you haven't made a part of your daily reading diet, do it today.

The hawkish @IPS_Association Officer, @MNageswarRaoIPS garu, who rose to lead the premiere CBI as well, has disrupted the entire space of #DharmicDiscourse sheerly by his majestic authority over #IPC Indic Precepts Code including the alien #Abrahmism #DefendersofDharmicBharat.

@UdayMahurkar Ji, is not just defending the Right to Information of the Indian Citizenry pertaining to their day-to-day engagement with the Government of the Day but also the Civilizational Information pertaining to the objective history of the nation. #DefendersofDharmicBharat

When it comes to being #DefendersofDharmicBharat, the Sanatan Peeths of Sanatan Bharat such as @govardhanmath having a continuity of 2500+ years, happen to lead the league. @Shawshanko Ji, is one such spectacular Sanatani, whose authority compounded with agility is astounding.

From being a Bachelor’s in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from @bitspilaniindia to a Master’s in Computer & Information Science from @OhioState, #KalyanVishwanathan ji is leading @StudyAtHUA - a Civilizational Bulwark of Dharmic Bharat in America. #DefendersofDharmicBharat

The Man of Music with a profound penchant for Authoritative & Objective History of Bharat, @vikramsampath, who has rekindled the legendary persona of #SwatantryaveerSavarkar, whose prose & poise make him a frontrunner in the league of #DefendersofDharmicBharat.

#DefendersofDharmicBharat were essentially monks and men who used to travel the nook and cranny of this Punya Bhoomi. @anuradhagoyal ji, founder of @IndiTales is a Parivrajika परिव्राजिका of her own standing, whose Dharmic Drishti makes her travel blogs like hymns to Mother India

@singhsahana is revisiting the Educational Heritage of Ancient India whereby she tells had #shortcourses too! Vasantika students were those who joined courses in spring (Vasanta) similarly others known as Varshika, Sharadika, Haimantika & Shaishirika. #DefendersofDharmicBharat

@hindueshop founder couple Parimala & Ayush Nadimpalli have established a fascinating venture which specializes in the niche space of #CivilizationalLiterature across publication houses. They complete a critical need of the #DefendersofDharmicBharat.

From a self-proclaimed #Marxist to a profound #Dharmic now @Aabhas24 ji is treading a life in sync with that of #SitaRamGoel Ji himself. He is #rearchitecting the foundations of the Civilizational Defence of #DharmicBharat and is quite in the league of #DefendersofDharmicBharat.

Long before the ideological contests at #JNU came to national limelight, @AmitSri the #GIS pro from @iitbombay, fought lone Battles. His immense geo-spatial command over the native developmental design of #DharmicBharat makes him truly in the league of #DefendersofDharmicBharat.

When the founder of a Full Stack, Full Lifecycle Digital Engineering Company takes onto Civilizational Discourse, @sangamtalks happens. If you cannot find a #DharmicIntellectual at #Sangam, s/he doesn't exist. @rahulatsrijan #DefendersofDharmicBharat

@myindmakers, would go down in the history of Bharat as one platform which has catapulted fact based fascinations about #DharmicBharat. This has been all due to the Houstonic Precision & Innovation #myindbook of the Founder CEO @pburavalli - who is humility & hardwork incarnate.

The deities at @JagannathaDhaam Krishna, Balbhadra & Subhadra have short limbs out of divine ecstasy. When it comes to #DharmicBharat, @chitrapadhi ji exhibits the same ecstasy. A lawyer by training, she leads the league of #DefendersofDharmicBharat in terms of first principles.

When a group of filmmakers, who wake up every day to make Indic identity a matter of pride for the masses which force in the world can contain the brilliant philosophy and deep values of Bhārat to resurge? @prachyam7's deep dive & striving makes #DefendersofDharmicBharat.

Being an IITian & IIMite, @SanjeevSanskrit went through an Intense Inner Transformation & Metamorphosis to add to his skillsets as a Data-Scientist, the deep conviction of Defending Dharma. His work on the frontiers of #GauSewa make him a frontrunner of #DefendersofDharmicBharat.

When @PMOIndia got the 157 Artefacts & Antiquities back to India on his recent trip to US, very few people knew about the undercurrents set into motion by @IndiaPrideProj founded by @anuraag_saxena ji, reclaiming the right to what was ours. #DefendersofDharmicBharat

The #Swades story of @shobweet is creating wonders on the indigenous intellectual frontiers of #DharmicBharat. Setting up @rashtramspl which has dared to curate and deliver a short academic course on #SitaRamGoel Ji…, makes them #DefendersofDharmicBharat.

The Civil Engineer in Nithin Sridhar took onto Advaita Vedanta as a serious academic discipline. His dharmic profundity lies in the fact that he dared to explore & enunciate a topic as sensitive as "Menstruation Across Cultures" besides others @nkgrock - #DefendersofDharmicBharat

Inspired by Swami Vigyanananda Ji, Founder Editor Vikram Sharma Ji of @hindupost is reclaiming the institution of #DharmicPress which doesn't aberrate the reporting of #CivilizationalDiscourse or remain apologetic due to the #ColonialMoulds. #DefendersofDharmicBharat

In colloquial hindi,#Dhar stands for someone who Keeps; someone who is a custodian of something. @Infinitchy is that very Custodian of Indic Civilizational Heritage, with that incisive intellect of #KashmiriPandit fame, true in the #SitaRamGoel league of #DefendersofDharmicBharat

"Long before the first European universities appeared, India already had multi-disciplinary centres of learning that fuelled a knowledge revolution around the world", asserts @singhsahana ji in her seminal work which needs picked up by #NEP2020 Implementers in the right stride.

“When swords quenched their thirst and famine ravaged the lands, Indians still held on to their truth that there was nothing more purifying than knowledge.” @singhsahana has brought to light the unique facets of Indic Educational ecosystem.

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