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ReTHINK INDIA INSTITUTE finds itself privileged to get the opportunity to felicitate some of the finest & fiercest #DefendersofDharmicBharat in the name of the legendary Dharmic Intellectual #SitaRamGoel Ji, on his Centenary Commemoration on 16th of October, 2021 at 3 pm.
#SandeepBalakrishna Ji @dharmadispatch
One of the most cerebral #DefendersofDharmicBharat whose writings are as incisive & as invigorating as #SitaRamGoel Ji himself. If you haven't made a part of your daily reading diet, do it today.
The hawkish @IPS_Association Officer, @MNageswarRaoIPS garu, who rose to lead the premiere CBI as well, has disrupted the entire space of #DharmicDiscourse sheerly by his majestic authority over #IPC Indic Precepts Code including the alien #Abrahmism #DefendersofDharmicBharat.
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#Thread: #VeerSavarkar - From the eyes of #MahatmaGandhi, #NetajiBose #IndiraGandhi & #Communists.

#Swantantryaveer Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, popularly known as Veer Savarkar was an Indian patriot, independence activist, poet, writer and a social revolutionary.

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Post 2014, several allegations were made to malign the image of #VeerSavarkar.

Despite the availability of several documents in the public domain, some people chose to believe the blatant lies spread about him by #Communists/#Islamists and vicious politicians.

In this thread, let us try to understand #Savarkar through the eyes of some eminent and revered personalities throughout India.

ЁЯФ╕#MahatmaGandhi: Contrary to popular perceptions, #Gandhi was not at loggerheads with Savarkar.

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