Karam Bales Profile picture
Counter Disinformation Project, Former NEU and ATL executive, @Unify1Edu Officer, Freelance journalist & researcher @bylinetimes @whowhatwhy Public speaker

Oct 16, 2021, 10 tweets

So I got a new follower today, and discovered yet another disinformation group which Ros Jones of UfT is involved in.

They are also still distributing the fake NHS consent form


Children's Union
"Save a child's life"
"Act now"

Videos of people actually on school grounds ranting at head teachers, this lot encourage it

Vaccinations are a dangerous experiment, also references the latest action from the grifting lawyers organised via HART and Us for Them

Here it is the same fake NHS form, go hand it out in your local area they say.

With the NHS logo

More disinformation and...

"The cruellest thing a child could do to their parents..."

I thought this was a children's union not the crackpot parents club

Oh look Corona Ausschuss the German antivax group including Reiner Fuellmich

And Ros Jones of Us for Them

Celebrating Lawrence Fox talking crap in the street

Oh and vaccines are a war on pregnancy and there are plans to depopulate the world

Considering they dont have many followers I am a bit worried about giving them oxygen but they have the fake consent letter up so I think its time to get reporting

Meanwhile Safer to Wait are only following a few ppl, all disinformation groups plus the ONS and 4 accounts who have caused HART a lot of problems

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