Matthias Egger Profile picture
Epidemiology Prof @uniofbern, President of @snsf_ch, Visiting Prof @BristolUni, @UCT_news. My opinions, RTs and likes ≠ endorsements. ORCID 0000-0001-7462-5132.

Oct 17, 2021, 10 tweets

Hello, it's me. How #openaccess are you?
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to know.
It has become easy thanks to the app developed by @snsf @Dimensions @unpaywall
A tutorial thread – please retweet

Hello. Now get your report in three steps:
1.Enter your name and get the list of researchers
2.Click on the person with your affiliations
3.Request the report by entering your email address

The report will be sent to you within a few minutes, particularly on a Sunday evening, as an attachment.
Let’s have a look at it.

The first page gives a tabular and graphical overview of the distribution of publications across categories of gold, green, and hybrid #openaccess
(see, “Data and Methods” for definitions).

The first page gives a tabular and graphical overview of the distribution of publications across categories of gold, green, and hybrid #openaccess
(see, “Data and Methods” for definitions).

Hello again!
The black bar shows the closed articles, stratified by time since publication.

The Appendix gives the list of articles by #openaccess status and time since publications.
This is very useful. I go through this list with our librarians regularly to check how I could make these publications #openaccess.
Below the librarian’s remarks.

The list also helps you to identify articles erroneously attributed to you. I am not a military historian …

Hello again!
With the help of this app I manage to get to over 90% #openaccess, and it was not that difficult.
So to return to #Adele:
At least I can say that I've tried

Many thanks to @jumattern and team for the hard work on this app:

Hello again!
With the help of this app I manage to get to over 90% #openaccess, and it was not that difficult.
So to return to #Adele:
At least I can say that I've tried

Many thanks, @jumattern

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