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📷 Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Oct 18, 2021, 28 tweets

Today is the Centennial of photographer Jerry Cooke 🎂💯
Cooke shoots jockey Johnny Longden at Churchill Downs, Kentucky, 1961, in a photo by his SI colleague Neil Leifer
"Jerry was the closest thing to James Bond that the photography world has ever seen."
- Neil Leifer

For the Jerry Cooke Centennial, I'll be posting my favourite photos of his #JerryCooke100
Coffee with Ray Milland ☕️
This was taken on the set of The Lost Weekend, 1944. That *may* be Billy Wilder behind him.

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
Boris Pasternak, 1958

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
W. H. Auden at his desk
For Life magazine, 1958

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
Two of his Life magazine colleagues: Nina Leen & George Karger, 1945

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
An undated shot of a Lhasa Apso on a sandy beach

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
A self-portrait; he's all dressed up for a Sports Illustrated gig at Royal Ascot Racecourse, 1960

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
David Oistrakh gives a lesson; a shot for Life magazine from Moscow, 1959

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
Another self-portrait; this time on a snowy mountain in California, for Life, 1955
Can anyone identify this camera?

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
Steve Cauthen wins the Kentucky Derby with Affirmed, Churchill Downs, May 6, 1978. Cooke was one of the first photographers to be recruited in 1953 for the new magazine Sports Illustrated.

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
Joe DiMaggio at bat against the Boston Braves. A great shot for Sports Illustrated. Undated, but before March 18, 1953, when it was announced that the Braves would move to Milwaukee immediately.

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
Canada's greatest politician, Tommy Douglas, at a CCF event in 1945. The CCF became the NDP in 1961.
Douglas's birthday is coming up in two days. Watch this feed for social-democratic progressive Canadian content! 🇨🇦

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
Serge Koussevitzky at @CarnegieHall, 1945
Koussevitzky conducts the 3rd Symphony of Brahms:

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
One of Cooke's first jobs at Life magazine was as an assistant to the great Alfred Eisenstaedt. He was helping him out on August 14, 1945 in Times Square, when Eisenstaedt took his famous Kiss on VJ Day photograph.

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
Nathaniel Benchley walks his dog in New York, 1958

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
A Nebraska landscape from June 1947. Life photographers on assignment always had their eyes open for shots like this.

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
An undated photo for Life. Colour photos by Cooke for Life are rare; most of his colour work was for Sports Illustrated. Beautiful hues, & marvellous composition!

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
Cooke was very much aware of colour palette possibilities in his Sports Illustrated photos. A spectacular shot of #49ers receiver Jerry Rice #80, September 14, 1998
San Francisco beat Washington 45-10 🏈

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
Crusade for World Peace at Wesley Church, 1944
A wonderful picture of generational solidarity. ☮️

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
An undated photo from Grand Central Station

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
A young Truman Capote in his New York apartment

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
Dancers in motion at the Union Social Club. Another undated photo. 1950s?

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
Walter Gropius with a student, 1950s

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
An atmospheric shot from 1946.

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
Gore Vidal, April 1947
One of Cooke's best author portraits

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
New Orleans, 1947
A marvellous cityscape

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
W. C. Fields, 1946

Celebrate the Jerry Cooke Centennial!
Anatoly Karpov in Baguio, Philippines, for the 1978 World Chess Championship

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