Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II Profile picture
President @BRepairers, co-chair @unitethepoor, architect of #MoralMondays, Founding Director and Professor at Yale @theology_policy. Join us: Text ROTB to 32846

Oct 18, 2021, 40 tweets

WATCH: It’s Time For A Third Reconstruction | A #PoorPeoplesCampaign National Town Hall…

We are already mobilizing toward June 18, 2022, a Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers Assembly and Moral March on Washington, DC! #ForwardTogether #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction #MoralMonday

Join us:

“This is a movement that is on the side of love and mercy, but also fierceness.” @RepJayapal #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction #PoorPeoplesCampaign

“We cannot return to ‘normal,’ when that meant 140 million people were poor and low-income before the pandemic.” @RepJayapal #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction #PoorPeoplesCampaign

Learn more and contact your representatives and demand that they support the #ThirdReconstruction Resolution now:…

“We are strong, and we are fierce. Don’t test us!” @RepJayapal #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction #PoorPeoplesCampaign

This is the season for stateswomen and statesmen. This is not the time for partisanship, because we have an attack on our democracy going on, an attack on the infrastructure of our daily lives (wages & healthcare), and the infrastructure of our roads, bridges, and technology.

As we told @SpeakerPelosi back in August, #HoldTheLine! We need all of this legislation, not just some of it.

“This nation needs to have its conscience stirred and seared. ... What time is it? It’s time for a Third Reconstruction!” @FHunscripted #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction #PoorPeoplesCampaign

We have a powerful panel going on right now! Join us online: #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction #PoorPeoplesCampaign

Heidi Shierholz from the @EconomicPolicy Institute making it plain: Raising the federal minimum wage does not create job loss. It’s a myth. We must shift the narrative in this country!

“It’s costing our nation too much by having this poverty and low wages!” @LizTheo #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

Dr. Sharrelle Barber @HealthEquityDoc taking a moment for us to pause and reflect on the 700,000+ American lives that have been lost to COVID: “What do we do with those deaths? Many of which were preventable.” #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

“We are viewing movements such as the #PoorPeoplesCampaign as really the answer to what our nation needs in this moment.” @HealthEquityDoc #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

“Immigrant communities have been part of this movement from the beginning. It’s time for the Third Reconstruction!” @FernandoBNHR @Border_Human #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

“This campaign is shining a light on the grave threats to our democracy. ... We are in a moment of opportunity to release the ambitions of the Third Reconstruction agenda!” @Caitlin0Swain @Forward_Justice #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

“Your right to vote should not be defined by what state you live in. ... We must expand who American democracy includes in the ‘we’ in ‘We the people.’” @Caitlin0Swain @Forward_Justice #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

“A filibuster cannot stand in the away of the people and an enfranchised America!” @Caitlin0Swain @Forward_Justice #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

Jade Mazon with @IllinoisPPC shared with us about the struggle for environmental justice on the south side of Chicago. #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

“Mississippi has a long history of punishing the poor and rewarding the wealthy class.” Emilee Johnson @Mississippi_PPC #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

Joan Steede of Arizona: “I have hope that my children and grandchildren will one day be paid the amount that their labor is worth.” #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

Dr. Sharrelle Barber @HealthEquityDoc: “Universal healthcare—it just has to be! ... We’ve got to be investing in our public health infrastructure.” #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction #BuildBackBetter

Rev. Victoria Parker-Mothershed @NebraskaPPC: “I follow a homeless undocumented immigrant named Jesus. ... How do we as faith leaders address the false moral narrative of Christian nationalism?” #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

“Jesus engaged in civil disobedience, disrupting structures that devalued human beings! ... We have a responsibility to lift up the real Jesus.” @FHunscripted #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

Ava Bravo @PennsylvaniaPPC, speaking in her original language of Spanish, calls on Congress to include protections for immigrants in the #BuildBackBetter plan. #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

“In the #PoorPeoplesCampaign, we are seeking justice in our policies and in our budgets.” Ava Bravo @PennsylvaniaPPC #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

Join us online now:

“I can imagine a border where instead of building detention centers, we are building welcome centers!” @FernandoBNHR @Border_Human #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

My brother @FernandoBNHR with @Border_Human is so right: it is immoral that we as a nation spend millions of dollars at our U.S./Mexico border to trap women and children. We must and can do better! #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

“The federal poverty measure hasn’t been updated in more than half a century!” Jasmine Krotkov with the Montana #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

.@HShierholz @EconomicPolicy making the strong argument now against work requirements to qualify for federal benefits like the child tax credit. Why should support for keeping children out of poverty be held hostage to their parents’ ability to find a job?

“We’re facing an eviction crisis like nothing we’ve seen before as a nation. ... How do we ensure that housing is a human right, instead of just a private commodity?” Marcy Makinen @MainePPCampaign #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

.@Caitlin0Swain @Forward_Justice is right: the American people, especially poor and low-income people, are brilliant and have the answers to many of the questions and problems this country faces, if only we as a nation, would listen! #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction

“How can we awaken this ‘sleeping giant’ of poor and low-income voters?” Kaylen Barker @WestVirginiaPPC #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

.@Caitlin0Swain reminding us now that we have a narrow window of time to protect the infrastructure of our democracy. Now is the time! We can do all of it. We must do all of it. #HoldTheLine

Rev. Dr. @LizTheo reminding us we must lift from the bottom so that everyone can rise! #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

.@RepBarbaraLee speaking now via pre-recorded video: “It’s time for us to create a Third Reconstruction! ... It is unforgivable that 250,000 people die each year from poverty and low-wealth alone.” #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

“We stand at a tipping point. We must seize this moment!” @RepBarbaraLee #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction #3rdReconstruction

SAVE THE DATE: June 18, 2022 — the Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly & Moral March on Washington

We will have an RSVP sign-up for ready soon, but for now, put it on your calendar and plan to join us in Washington, DC! #PoorPeoplesCampaign #ThirdReconstruction

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