Luna Oi! 👁 UK/USA Expert/Human Rights Watcher 👁 Profile picture
Translator and documentarist focusing on Vietnam | Proudly bisexual Vietnamese communist | USA and UK Human Rights Watcher | Member of @NonlaCollective

Oct 19, 2021, 6 tweets

A brief history of Colin Powell in the Vietnam war:
He came to Vietnam for the first time in 1962. He, along with other troops, burnt dozens of our villages, destroyed a large amount of crops by toxins (including agent orange) in just 1 year.

In 1 mission in 1963, when he was destroying a mountain village in A Sao, Hue, he stepped on one of our Viet Minh's bamboo trap where he just sprayed toxin on.
His foot got severe injured (mostly because of his own fucking toxin), he was sent back to the USA for medical help.

He cam back to Vietnam in 1968, during the time of My Lai Massacre.
Not long after that incident happened, Tom Glen, a young soldier who took part in that massacre, wrote a letter reporting what actually happened.
That letter was sent to Powell for investigation.

Powell dismissed that letter and this was his conclusion: "In direct refutation of this portrayal, relations between American soldiers and the Vietnamese people are excellent".

Powell intentionally tried to hide the truth about My Lai Massacre.

A few decades later, after receiving all the rewards for lying and killing innocent people, he lied to whole world, once again, to start a whole fucking war with Iraq which killed at least 1 million people.

I hope you fucking rot in hell, Colin fucking Powell.

It turned out that Vietnam and Iraq share 1 war criminal. @YaBoiHakim

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