Gilles Demaneuf Profile picture
Pointy Head. Enthalpy Liberation Front. Opinions, analyses and views are mine and should never be interpreted as representing any institution or company.

Oct 19, 2021, 10 tweets

Oh Marion, what would we do without you?

You had a good time calling the research-related hypothesis 'Debunked' at the KNAW-symposium in Dec 20.

Alongside meteorite (!), snakes and some other flotsam.

You had been working for a while with your the Chinese side of the WHO-Team (remote work started around Oct-Nov 20) and you were already pretty clear on your convictions.

You made the same claims in June 21, adding that there was no point going further:

You were also very dismissive of any criticism, and fully in line on this with a now very compromised Peter Daszak, who at the time was hiding DEFUSE:

Yow even said that there was no point asking for hard data from the WIV or any other lab, because really you didn't think it would change anything (just like that!).

Great investigative skills!

Do you think that this is the right open scientific attitude to be working on SAGO?

Or are the negativity, dismissive attitude, lack of concern and a fully formed opinion (without asking for data) a requirement for the job?

I note that you have been involved in Gain of Function research of concern for decades.

A total of 27 publications with Ron Fouchier (and others) (2004-2021):…

Not much different from Vincent Racaniello, the host of the TWiV show with you, Peter Daszak and Thea Fisher (also on SAGO).

He is a smart scientist I am sure, but also one who in 2016 was stating in a paper that the GoF moratorium should be rescinded because the benefit outweighed the risk.

Just like with you, that would not influence his position today - right?…

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