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Esoteric Catholic fatherhood. #acks #dnd #brosr

Oct 19, 2021, 9 tweets

A few years back I saw a zoomer review of “taxi driver” where the zoomer was shocked that Travis, who had a job, pretty big apartment (in nyc no less), and gf was considered a loser in the late 70s. A peak loser, even. The average young man in current year is much worse off. 1/

“Taxi driver” is what I call a “catcher in the rye” film. It continues the theme of “catcher” but fits it into its current year. Holden Caufield of “catcher” is even better off than Travis; being a rich kid in a boarding school. But with thr same issues (set to his era). 2/

“American psycho” is the next “catcher” film after taxi driver. Patrick Bateman is better off financially than Travis, reflecting the improved economy of Usa in the late 80s and early 90s. But his psychosis is worse. Shows how material wealth can carry the germ of mk insanity. 3/

“Fight club” is the next “catcher” film w the catcher having wealth similar 2 Patrick Bateman but he’s beginning 2see the emptiness of material wealth. He “slums jt” with his fight club the same as Holden Caufield literally slums it by leaving preppy boarding school 2go to nyc 4/

Next up is “observe & report” with a delusions of grandeur mall cop. Similarly to “fight club” he feels he can escape phoniness through masculinity. Unlike fight club his idea of masculinity is about consumption. He doesn’t get in shape he buys guns & talks big. 5/

“O&R” “catcher” (like millennials) lost tyler durden realization material things themselves r part of their spiritual imprisonment. “O&R” guy is fully spiritually colonized; fantasizing about rising to the ranks of real law enforcement (the foot soldiers of the evil system) 6/

We all know what the most recent “catcher” film was. 7/

Arthur is a true loser. Bottom rung. He has aspects of all the previous “catchers”:
-sees material things as pointless
-everyone is phony
-tfw no gf (except in his mind)
-wh0re mom
-abused as a kid
-poor af
-gun f3tishism
-fully mk by tv

By killing Travis Bickle, Arthur is ascending 2peak “catcher” &venting zoomer rage at how far young men have fallen. Being on average even worse off than 1970s peak loser. Riot at end of film is symbolic of the system and media mk having turned an entire gen into “catchers” 9/9

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