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Oct 19, 2021, 6 tweets

#Telangana CM #KCR announced that #YadadriTemple will be reopened in March 2022 with 'Maha Kumbha Samprokshanam' which includes performing Maha Sudarshana Yagna with 1008 kundas.

#Yadadri temple was redeveloped by KCR led #TRS govt with over ₹ 800 crores.

Sudarshana yagam will be performed by 9,000 brahmanas in presence of gurus & peetadipatis from across India.

#Telangana govt deceided to coat main vimana of #YadadriTemple with gold. It requires 125 kg gold which will be collected from devotees. Already CM #KCR gave 1 kg gold.

CM announced that gold collection is going to be a mass movement across #Telangana involving pujas in all villages.

Temple is redeveloped with govt money so now CM decided to involve public atleast in coating temple vimana with gold.

Two giant Sudarshana yagnas will be performed in #Telangana in 2022.

In Feb by Jeeyar Swamy & his followers to mark opening of world's largest sitting statue (of Sri Ramanujacharya) made of 5 metals.

In March by state govt to mark reopening of #YadadriTemple. 😇

2022 - A Vaishnava Revolution in #Telangana. 😎

Om Namo Narayanaya!

To those unaware, #YadadriTemple belongs to Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy🙏. It was a small temple on hillock but popular among #Telangana public. KCR led #TRS govt rebuilt temple entirely with black granite in traditional manner. Over ₹ 300 crore spent on stone structure alone.

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