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Mariner by Profession, Hindu by Religion, and a proud Bhartiya. Tweets on True Bhartiya history, culture, Hinduism, Political & Social issues. Jai Hind 🇮🇳

Oct 20, 2021, 5 tweets

Do you know?

Warli Painting is a Tribal Art form that dates back to 2500 BCE, and it was practiced by the Warli tribes belonging from Thane and Nasik in Maharashtra. These paintings mostly illustrate the nature and social rituals of the tribe.

Warli painting uses geometric designs such as triangle, circle, dots, squares and lines to depict the human figure, house and daily work like hunting, dancing, sowing, harvesting, etc. Marriage is the regular theme of the Warli paintings.

The marriage theme Palghat, the marriage god in which one can find a horse, the bride and the groom. Man and Women dancing in circles (tribe tarpa dance), during the various celebrations, is another theme of Warli paintings.

The unique aspect of the paintings is that Warli does not depict any characters or images of gods or goddess but depicts social life.

It portrays daily activities like farming,praying,dancing, hunting etc.Geometrical patterns in white against a yellow,red background r some of main themes.Warli paintings were usually made by married women to celebrate awedding&they were also used to decorate huts of Warli tribes

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