COVID-19 Actuaries Response Group Profile picture
Continuing to share regular data and analysis on excess mortality and hospital admissions with Covid-19. Run by volunteers.

Oct 20, 2021, 6 tweets

Latest data on COVID-19 hospital admissions, bed occupancy and hospital deaths in England has been released.

Nationally, admissions have risen sharply, up 23% this week. We look set to exceed the July peak in the next few days.

The regional picture is discussed below. 1/6

All regions have seen significant increases in COVID hospital admissions this week. The smallest increases were in the South West (up 11%) and the Midlands (up 14%). The biggest jumps are in the South East (up 44%) and London (up 36%). 2/6

Of concern, admissions have been accelerating, that is, the rate of increase has itself been increasing. Our estimate of R, based on hospital admissions, has risen above 1.1 and does not yet appear to have peaked. 3/6

Admissions stayed below central scenarios modelled ahead of “Freedom Day” but now appear to be rising to another peak, as modelled by @cmmid_lshtm. Since the summer peak was smaller than modelled, will this one be larger? 4/6

COVID-19 hospital bed occupancy in England in now rising, following admissions, and is now back over 6,000 beds. Mechanical Ventilation bed occupancy is up by 14%, while other bed occupancy is up by 21%. 5/6

The number of COVID-19 deaths in English hospitals is also now rising. The average has increased by 17% over the past week.

Purple estimates are based on the pattern of reporting delays in the last two months. 6/6

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