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Oct 20, 2021, 11 tweets

NEW report by @SRtoxics makes clear: Plastics pose a threat to #HumanRights throughout their whole life cycle.
A human rights-based approach to #PlasticsPolicy is urgently needed to #BreakFreeFromPlastic & uphold #EnvironmentalJustice.
A thread 🧵

"It's urgent to address the interface of plastics & #HumanRights. The gaps & shortcomings in the area are posing a truly global threat. A rights-based approach to the plastics lifecycle can help prevent & redress human rights infringements." — @SRtoxics.

Indeed, from extraction to production, through transport, use, and disposal, plastics are impacting at least 10 of the most fundamental human rights.


Read more in our statement ⬇️ ⬇️…

In detail, at each stage of its lifecycle, plastics threatened the right to:
🟡 Life,
🟡 Health,
🟡 #HealthyEnvironmentForAll,
🟡 Housing,
🟡 Water & sanitation,
🟡 Adequate food,
🟡 Equality and non-discrimination,
🟡 Information,
🟡 Participation,
🟡 Effective remedy.

It’s time to place #PeopleOverPlastics.

To truly #BreakFreeFromPlastic, solutions to the #PlasticsCrisis should be guided by a #HumanRights-based approach.

BUT, what would a rights-based approach to solving the plastics crisis look like?


ACCESS TO INFORMATION: All people need to know what’s in the plastics products they consume daily and how those #Toxic chemicals will affect their health.

#BreakFreeFromPlastic #PeopleOverPlastics

PARTICIPATION: When policies on #Plastics are being discussed & implemented, affected people — especially Indigenous Peoples — must be part of the process. Looking at the upcoming UNEA5.2, it's critical to guarantee an inclusive & meaningful participation of ALL affected parties.

ACCESS TO REMEDY: If anyone is harmed by any stage of the plastic life cycle, companies must be made to repair those harms.

#BreakFreeFromPlastic #PeopleOverPlastics

PREVENTION & PRECAUTION: #Plastics have to be redesigned to reduce known or unknown risks & harms.
Solutions to #BreakFreeFromPlastic must be assessed to make sure they uphold #HumanRights.

POLLUTERS PAY: If plastics companies are causing harm through pollution, they must repair it.
BUT risks & harms must first be prevented so no rights are infringed to begin with!

It’s time to place #PeopleOverPlastics.
Policymakers worldwide must adopt a rights-based approach to plastics policy and quickly negotiate a global legally binding #PlasticsTreaty.
Read more in @SRtoxics' report:
& in our statement:…

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