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NYT bestselling journalist. Senior editor @TPostMillennial. Fact checker @CommunityNotes. Support my journalism & send news tips to:

Oct 20, 2021, 10 tweets

Not protesters.

Twitter account says he will dismember me and throw my body parts into several dumpsters.

Encouraging suicide.


"I'm sadden that all that happened to you was robbery."

Writing under a moniker, Jesse Stutzman, who works for @MarkelSmallBiz in Las Vegas, tweeted: "Andy Ngo trending better be because he's f—ng dead."

Sorry to disappoint.

Portland comedian and far-left activist Elle Steinmeyer says I should be curb-stomped.

#Antifa member Peter Soeller calls for fellow comrades to "bring that 2019 energy back to Ngo." That was year I was hospitalized with a brain bleed after antifa mob jumped & beat me. Soeller was convicted for rioting in 2017 in DC in an attempt to stop the inauguration of Trump.

Antifa account discusses an idea where one of them pretends to take a romantic interest in me in order to go on a date and kill me.

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