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Oct 22, 2021, 17 tweets

1. Shining the Spotlight on Dr. Marion Koopmans

via @angoffinet and @uacjess

Principal Investigator…

"Erasmus MC is closely involved with EcoHealth Alliance"…

(under collaboration)

2. Don't forget to send that email to

with subject:

“Public comments on SAGO members” by 27 October 2021

3. Marion Koopman's COIs summarised

4. Wuhan Lab Leak "Debunked"

De KNAW. (2020). KNAW-symposium: Het nieuwe coronavirus - Marion Koopmans [YouTube Video]. Retrieved from

Minute 14:00

5. You Tube Q and A

Dr Marion Koopmans on the WHO Investigation of the Origins of the Pandemic

"we found not a grain of evidence for a lab leak theory"

Minute: 2:10

6. PR for WIV

Marion Koopmans doing PR for WIV:

"It's It's certainly not a big big thing"

WHO team scientist: Wuhan lab workers did fall sick in autumn of 2019…

7. Insert And Backbone?

"we need to talk about the backbone too, not just the insert"

Unredacting Koopman's email may have been an error

8. "Ask Marion" Part 1

(English Translation) 11/06/2021 by @hommel_b…

9. "Ask Marion" Part 2

(English Translation) 20/06/202 by @hommel_b…


10. "Ask Marion" Part 3

(English Translation) 05/07/2021 by @Hommel_bee

Two names are missing under this Lancet letter, while one would expect them, Marion Koopmans and Ron Fouchier...…


11. Why did Koopmans not sign the Lancet Letter?

On Feb 7, 2020, Daszak sent an email to Colwell with a list of people they want to approach to sign the statement, including Osterhaus, Koopmans and Haagmans. Haagmans signed it. Koopmans will not.

The question remains; why not?

12. "Ask Marion" Part 4

20/07/2021 by @Hommel_be

"Koopmans liked it all. Whether it was China’s repeated delay of the mission, the lack of raw data, China’s veto over the composition of the team Marion Koopmans did not speak a single word of criticism"…

12. Gain of Function

"I strongly suspect that this successful Gain-of-function investigation by Ron Fouchier is the reason why Marion Koopmans and he did not sign the letter to The Lancet"

13. Funding
" For Koopmans and Fouchier too, if it were proven that the SARS-CoV-2 virus had escaped from the WIV, it would have disastrous consequences getting funds for Gain-of-function experiments with influenza viruses, just as it would have for Ralph Baric"

14. Funding (2)

Under "Research Projects"…

Anyone got a Calculator, or a little Dutch Abacus?

15. Erasmus MC, EcoHealth Alliance,Koopmans

Thick as Thieves, Virus Thieves!


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