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Oct 24, 2021, 15 tweets

It's #WorldPolioDay!

5⃣ of the 6⃣ WHO regions – representing over 9⃣0⃣% of the 🌎🌍🌏 population – are certified free of wild polio.

Join us in celebrating the progress we have made, & the work we must do to #EndPolio everywhere.


It's #WorldPolioDay

Polio cases are down 99.9% since 1988, but the #COVID19 pandemic has set back vaccinations and placed this incredible progress at risk. Let's strengthen our efforts to #EndPolio and ensure that progress against this virus is not lost.

In 2020, after 4⃣ years without a case, @WHOAFRO has been certified as wild polio-free!

On this #WorldPolioDay, take a moment to learn about remarkable success against wild #polio in Africa.


#Polio is a highly infectious viral disease.
It’s transmitted from person-to-person mainly through the faecal-oral route or via contaminated water or food. It can invade the nervous system & cause paralysis.


It's #WorldPolioDay

Polio mainly affects children under 5 years of age.

There is no cure for #polio, but it can be prevented. Polio vaccine, given multiple times, can protect a child for life.


It's #WorldPolioDay

There are 3⃣ strains of wild poliovirus.

Type 2 and type 3 have officially been certified as globally eradicated.

Wild poliovirus type 1 still affects two countries:
🔸 Pakistan
🔸 Afghanistan


Two national #polio campaigns were recently announced in Afghanistan.

It is critical that health workers reach all children with vaccines to #EndPolio.

The 8 November #polio campaign in Afghanistan - the first national house-to-house campaign in over 3 years - will be followed by a second campaign, to be synchronized with Pakistan in December.


In many communities around the 🌍, women health workers help navigate social, cultural religious and political contexts to engage with communities. The #polio program’s strategy will continue supporting the women who are central in the fight to #EndPolio.

It's #WorldPolioDay

For decades, frontline vaccinators have worked to #EndPolio.

Join us in thanking them as they continue to vaccinate children, save lives, and combat this terrible disease.

It's #WorldPolioDay

#Polio workers leave a purple mark on the pinky finger of children they vaccinate. They also leave their mark on the 🌍 by providing other needed services like clean water, nutrition supplements, bed nets and much more. #EndPolio


Alongside their work to #EndPolio, polio workers:
✅Help distribute #COVID19 vaccines
✅Conduct surveillance for multiple diseases
✅Respond to health emergencies

In countries that are #polio-free, we help people repurpose these skills to improve a range of health outcomes!

The work of the #polio program doesn’t stop with a vaccine. The infrastructure created to #EndPolio around the world is being used every day to:
🏙️ promote cleaner, safer communities
🛡️ fight other diseases
🔨 build a healthier future to achieve #HealthForAll

#Polio eradication takes commitment from:
👥community mobilizers
👥community elders
👥local leaders
👥and countless others

We are stronger together.
Together, we can #EndPolio 💪

It's #WorldPolioDay

We have come so far in the fight against polio thanks to the leadership of countless #polio champions. A polio-free 🌎🌍🌏 is possible, but only with the continued commitment from all levels of government.

Let’s #EndPolio!

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