Aylett Colston Profile picture
North Carolinian. Small-town soul. Gentleperson of a Certain Age from the wilds of Eastern NC.

Oct 24, 2021, 10 tweets

The @princetongerry uses mathematical tests to rigorously diagnose unequal opportunity in voting district maps.

See what they have to say about NC #redistricting draft maps ↓

@princetongerry Report on North Carolina 2021 CST-6 Draft Congressional Map (submitted by @jay_chaudhuri)


@princetongerry @jay_chaudhuri Report on North Carolina 2021 SST-4 Draft State Senate Map (Submitted by NC Sen. Hise)


@princetongerry @jay_chaudhuri North Carolina 2021 CBK-5 Draft Congressional Map (Submitted by Sen. @BenClarkNC )


@princetongerry @jay_chaudhuri @BenClarkNC North Carolina 2021 CMT-9 Draft Congressional Map (Sen. Hise)

gerrymander.princeton.edu/redistricting-… #redistricting

@princetongerry @jay_chaudhuri @BenClarkNC North Carolina 2021 CBK-3 Draft Congressional Map (Sen. Daniel) #Redistricting


@princetongerry @jay_chaudhuri @BenClarkNC North Carolina 2021 Version 1 Draft Congressional Map (Rep. Hall 10/14 Unofficial)


North Carolina 2021 CBK-4 Draft Congressional Map (Sen. Clark)


North Carolina 2021 CST-2 Draft Congressional Map (Sen. Daniel)


There are more metrics on North Carolina draft maps in addition to the above screenshots, and a lot more information at gerrymander.princeton.edu

#NCPol #redistricting

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