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Oct 25, 2021, 35 tweets

1. A step back in time - The Ripley Scroll…

2. An alchemist’s guide to the elixir of eternal life

Kay Sutton, director of Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts, decodes the Ripley Scroll, a truly magical 17th-century alchemical treatise with a rich and detailed mix of cryptic verse, legend and image…

4. Compendium Naturalis - The Ripley Scrolls

Most comprehensive article with many links to further resources. Recommended.…

5. Detail of Ripley Scroll (1)

(Beinecke version, panels 11, 12, 13)…

6. More colourful version of Panels 11, 12, 13…

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7. Examining the Ripley Scroll

Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh

The scroll is about 18 feet 4 inches long and 23 inches wide. It consists of seven large sheets of vellum each 32 inches long except for the last section which is 9 inches long.…

8. Professor R I McCallum:

"There is so much detail in the scrolls' imagery that there is still a long way to go in explaining what lies behind it"

9. Detail

10. Detail

11. More detail by Jon Agar on Flickr…

12. Only 23 Scrolls are known to exist based on a lost 15th Century Original

13, Four Sections - Section 1
Aristotle (?) holding a large retort within which are eight circles containing monks looking at human figures within bottles.

14. Four Sections - Section 2

Three naked figures support a fountain, which itself contains naked figures, as philosophers stand on pinnacles around the fountain; a green dragon and a frog below.

15. Four Sections - Section 3

The white bird of Hermes standing on a globe eating its wing.

16. Four Sections - Section 4

Within a sun are three circles for the White Stone, the Red Stone and the Elixir of Life; below the sun, a crescent moon, below that a dragon standing on a winged globe; figures of a king and George Ripley.

17. Dr. John Dee, the renowned Tudor mathematician, astronomer, astrologer and and advisor to Queen Elizabeth I, promoted George Ripley’s reputation in England and abroad.

18.Isaac Newton undertook alchemical investigations

"One of his notebooks appears to show a copy of the beginning of the Ripley Scroll, with the diagram of the Philosopher’s Flask’ — the glass vessel used for experiments"

(Kay Sutton)

19. "In the most dramatic section, a moon unites the red stone, the white stone and the elixir of life. The moon is balanced on the figure of the ‘Serpent of Arabia’, a dragon biting its tail; blood from the dragon’s belly spills down onto a globe below"…

20. Professor R I McCallum gave up ;)

"While the scrolls embody many conventional alchemical symbols the interpretation of these is obscure and a matter for conjecture"

21. The full text of the Ripley Scroll (Adam McLean)

With Engraving of the Scroll printed in David Beuther, Universal und Particularia... Hamburg, 1718.…

"You must make Water of the Earth, and Earth of the Air, and Air of the Fire, and Fire of the Earth"

22. What does it all mean?

O"n the ground there is a hill
Also a serpent in a well
His tail is long with wings wide
Already to fly by every side
Repair the well fast about
That the serpent get not out
For if that he be there agone
You lose the virtue of the Stone"

23. Only one way to find out! (50$)


1. Study Course on the Ripley Scroll by Adam McLean…


2. How to read alchemical texts
An introductory study course for the perplexed
by Adam McLean…

24. Other works of Sir George Ripley…

12 in total, all free to consult on the above website

Thank you Adam McLean

25. Fancy an original Scroll?

There are 23 known copies
22 copies are in museums & libraries
There is just one copy in private hands
Auctioned at Christies Valuable Books and Manuscripts Sale on December 13, 2017

Sold for $781,460 (GBP £584,750)…

26. The Vision of George Ripley, Unfolded (1)

A Toad full ruddy I saw
Did drink the juice of Grapes
So fast
Till over-charged with the Broth, his Bowels all to brast
And after that, from poysoned bulk he cast his venom fell
For grief & pain whereof his members all began to swell

27. The Vision of George Ripley, Unfolded (2)

With drops of poysoned sweat, approaching thus his secret Den.
His Cave with blasts of fumous Air, he all bewhited then.
And from the which in space a Golden Humour did ensue.

28. Vision of George Ripley (3)
Whose falling drops from high did stain the soil with ruddy hue
When his Corpse vital breath began to lack
The dying Toad became forthwith like Coal of colour black
Thus drowned in his proper Veins of poisoned Flood
For 80 Days & 4 he rotting stood

29. Full Text of "Ripley's Vision"…

30. Treatise of Mercury & the Philosophers Stone.

by Sir George Ripley.…

31. Five Preparations of the Philosopher’s Mercury

Transcribed by Robert Nelson…

32. Liber Secretisimus by George Ripley

Composition of the Philosophical Stone & grand Elixir

"Whosoever then shall obtain these Medicines, he shall have incomparable Treasures, above all the Treasures of this World"…

33. Bio of Sir George Ripley…

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