Aylett Colston Profile picture
North Carolinian. Small-town soul. Gentleperson of a Certain Age from the wilds of Eastern NC.

Oct 25, 2021, 7 tweets

.@CommonCauseNC has analysis of North Carolina proposed draft voting district maps, including maps showing NC’s Black population.

With NC's history of racial #gerrymandering, looking at #redistricting as an equity issue is vital.


Here is the CMT-9 Draft NC Congressional Map, showing the % Black voting age population:


CBK-3 Draft NC Congressional Map appears to have two of the districts have a Black voting age population (BVAP) of 37% or higher: district 1 (38.87% BVAP) and district 12 (38.01%).

CST-2 Draft NC Congressional Map has one district with a Black voting age population over 37% : District 12 has a Black voting age population of 38%.

CBK-4 Draft US Congressional Map has one district with Black voting age population above 37%: District 1 has a Black voting age population of 41.55%.

CST-6 Draft NC Congressional Map has one district with a Black voting age population over 37%. District 1 has a Black voting age population of 42.11%.

CBA-2 Draft NC Congressional Map one district with a Black voting age population over 37%.

District 11 has a Black voting age population of 38.7%.

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