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Founder of People For Chelsea (on hiatus). The former pres of Mexico thinks I have good taste in food. "The single worst account on all of Twitter."-D. Sirota

Oct 25, 2021, 8 tweets

Did I call it....or did I call it?

"Russiagate fanatic. Numerous CIA conspiracies"

This man, almost single-handedly made Glem a millionaire, but since Glem is a big pouty baby and they had disagreements (notably that Glem was dead-set on covering up the entire Russia scandal...and also supporting Donald Trump),

so he must be destroyed. Billionaires are EVIL, except for Peter Thiel, who is actually benevolent and really has some good ideas, if you think about it,,,

Nothing, and I mean nothing, drives Glenn more than petty personal animus. Some ally who has 'wronged' him or someone who has criticized him...they are his #1 enemy and he will attack them non-stop until the day he dies. Very similar to the former president (WHDNS).

Absolutely hilarious how the #1 reason this whistleblower is 'fake' is bc it was (in Glem's view) timed to serve a political purpose. The literal exact thing he argued was completely irrelevant when it came to Assange & Giuliani's Hunter laptop.

Julian Assange admitted, out loud, that his exact goal in his coordinated 'leaks' were to harm Hillary Clinton and disrupt the Dems. But again, that was cool. Motive was irrelevant then. But now...the only thing that matters is the motive. Highly principled journalism, yes sir.

(if anyone is not blocked, feel free to ask him what the difference b/w the two are. I'm sure he'll give you a nice, clear coherent answer.)

Anyway.....just another extremely normal day for an extremely normal, non-broken person in Glem-ville.

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