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Oct 26, 2021, 34 tweets

#BREAKING: We will work together to develop #Sudan, says Sudanese sovereign council head General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan: Al-Arabiya

#BREAKING: It was our duty to stand with Sudanese people, says #Sudanese sovereign council head General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan: Al-Arabiya

#BREAKING: #Sudan’s Armed Forces did ‘everything necessary to achieve the dreams of #Sudan’s people’, says Sudanese sovereign council head General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan: Al-Arabiya

#BREAKING: “We affirmed our rejection of any party controlling #Sudan,” says #Sudanese sovereign council head General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan: Al-Arabiya

#BREAKING: “Mistrust between transitional parties occurred after the signing of the peace agreement in #Juba,” says Sudanese sovereign council head General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan: Al-Arabiya

#BREAKING: “I supported PM Hamdok's last initiative,” says #Sudanese sovereign council head General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan: Al-Arabiya

#BREAKING: “Political forces wanted to control the scene in #Sudan,” says Sudanese sovereign council head General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan: Al-Arabiya

#BREAKING: #Sudan’s Burhan says PM Hamdok’s latest initiative was stolen

#BREAKING: #Sudan’s Burhan says felt there was targeting and hostility towards the armed forces

#BREAKING: “A minister in the government was calling for sedition in #Sudan,” says Sudanese sovereign council head General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan: Al-Arabiya

#BREAKING: #Sudan’s Burhan says they agreed to Hamdok’s initiatives multiple times, forces of freedom and change refused to engage

#BREAKING: #Sudan’s Burhan says dangers seen over the last week could have led the country to civil war

#BREAKING: #Sudan’s #Burhan says presented Hamdok with three options for resolving the crisis

#BREAKING: #Sudan’s Burhan says discussed with Hamdok widening political participation until the night before events.

#BREAKING: #Sudanese army handled some issues that the government has neglected, says #Sudan's sovereign council head General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan

#BREAKING: #Sudan’s Burhan says within the coming days the judicial bodies will be formed

#BREAKING: The armed forces cannot continue the transitional period on its own, we need participation of Sudanese people: #Sudan’s Burhan

#BREAKING: #Sudan’s Burhan says “we are aiming to see through a transition to a civilian government”

#BREAKING: We want to devote ourselves to protecting #Sudan after transferring power to civilians, says #Sudan’s Burhan

#BREAKING: #Sudan’s Burhan says “the constitutional declaration has not been scrapped, only the items pertaining to the civilian partners.”

#BREAKING: #Sudan’s Burhan says a sovereign council and cabinet will be formed but with real representation from all states

#BREAKING: Prime Minister will be appointed: #Sudan’s Burhan

#BREAKING: A minister will be chosen from each Sudanese state in the next government: #Sudan’s Burhan

#BREAKING: PM #Hamdok is at my house, says #Sudan’s Burhan

#BREAKING: “We thank #Hamdok for his recent period as prime minister,” says #Sudan's Burhan

#BREAKING: #Sudan’s Burhan says Hamdok is safe and has not been harmed, but being kept away for his own safety

#BREAKING: #Sudan’s Burhan says detainees who have a criminal charge will be held, all others will be allowed to participate in politics

#BREAKING: #Sudan’s Burhan says Hamdok was unable to work freely as long as he was politically held back

#BREAKING: #Sudan’s Burhan says Hamdok is in good health and will return to his home today

#BREAKING: Internet and telephone services are gradually returning to #Sudan, says #Sudan's Burhan

#BREAKING: Current emergency law is not intended to restrict freedoms, says #Sudan’s Burhan

#BREAKING: Condemnations are expected as countries see our actions as a coup, it is not, says #Sudan’s Burhan

#BREAKING: We will cancel emergency law after restructuring state institutions, says #Sudan’s Burhan

#BREAKING: We do not want guardianship from anyone and we know how to manage #Sudan’s affairs, says Burhan

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