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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Oct 26, 2021, 25 tweets

Roger Stone Oct Thread 1/

Time to do the October update to our 4th path (of 5) that takes Trump to prison for life (each). I call this Roger Stone, because he is likely first of the January 6th seditionists to be tried in court. Let's do a Thread..

Roger Stone Oct Thread 2/

Donald Trump faces 5 paths that EACH take him to prison for life:

1. Weisselberg (NY taxes)
2. Giuliani (Ukraine)
3. Matt Gaetz (selling Presidential pardons)
4. Roger Stone (Jan 6th)
5. Tom Barrack (UAE & Qatar)

Trump ALSO faces many lesser lawsuits

Roger Stone Oct Thread 3/

Note, in my Trump path 3 to prison for life, Matt Gaetz (selling Presidential Pardons) a key criminal is Roger Stone

This 4th path to take Trump to prison for life I call 'Roger Stone' is SEPARATE. This is about January 6th and includes ALL Jan 6

Roger Stone Oct Thread 4/

January 6th insurrection was a terrorist attack on America & an attempted coup d'etat. It was to overthrow the election, deny vote of 81 million Americans & have Trump declared King Donald the Worst. Is the most evil plot by a US President against USA

Roger Stone Oct Thread 5/

I was here with you when Jan 6th terrorist attack, insurrection (legally: sedition) and attempted coup d'etat happened on Jan 6th. We tracked the upcoming event from before, and knew what they were up to. We have tracked this investigation since on TW

Roger Stone Oct Thread 6/

I was first to give estimate of how many will be caught (over 500). So far over 650 have been arrested by FBI.

Remember the pundits? They were lamenting that criminals will escape & not be caught (morons). Palmer cc @PalmerReport told us to remain calm

Roger Stone Oct Thread 7/

I said the investigation is BROAD and will take TIME. I said to expect first trials in February. There have been many sentencings already of criminals who confessed. Even very low level non-violent 'tourists' taking selfies are getting prison time.

Roger Stone Oct Thread 8/

We do not 'care' about those who stormed the Capitol, AS LONG AS they are convicted & sent to prison

We want the organizers. We want the planners. And Trump. So this is a mafia trial, with a FAST TRACK. That is of course Roger Stone

Roger Stone Oct Thread 9/

Like ANY of the 5 paths, this is a mafia trial. The boss is tried last:

1. Insurrectionists
2. Their leaders (Proud Boys, Oath Keepers)
3. The planners of Jan 6 (Stone, Don Jr, Giuliani, Flynn, Prince, Bannon, Jordan, Johnson, My Pillow Guy)
4. Trump

Roger Stone Oct Thread 8/

We have a decent idea of who were planning Jan 6th (there were numerous meetings, like Rolling Stone article now chronicled), and TWO War Rooms in Willard, as Seth Abramson cc @SethAbramson has diligently reported. Central to those has been Roger Stone

Roger Stone Oct Thread 9/

Roger Stone, a long time lowlife, is a convicted criminal who was pardoned by Trump in December. That pardon does not cover Jan 6th. Roger hung around the Oath Keepers who got caught in Jan 6th. FBI started to pressure them & 5 have confessed already.

Roger Stone Oct Thread 10/

At least 3 of the 5 who have confessed are cooperating with Feds (have flipped). They have nobody ELSE to flip 'against' except Roger

It means Roger Stone is cooked, boiled, fried, barbecued, sauteed, broiled, deepfried, wokked, microwaved & refried

Roger Stone Oct Thread 11/

The trial against Roger Stone will be short, slam dunk, like Lev Parnas just now. Roger is terrified of prison, was blackmailing Trump for his pardon. Roger has no other way to cut his time than to flip, and rat out everybody else.

Roger Stone Oct Thread 12/

Note that when Roger Stone flips, he has to confess all his crimes, and rat out all his crime partners, including all in January 6th, including of course Trump. He ALSO has to confess his Matt Gaetz related crimes (selling pardons with Jared for Trump)

Roger Stone Oct Thread 13/

The Roger Stone path will be messy but it leads to all who organized Jan 6th. Remember separately, from Giuliani path, that FBI was wiretapping Rudy, so any Jan 6 planning Rudy coordinated via his phone or butt-dialing, is captured by FBI into evidence

Roger Stone Oct Thread 14/

Separately Trump snitched to two topmost attorneys at DOJ, in December, that 3 'R Congressmen' were plotting with him to overthrow the government. He identified

Rep Jim Gym Jordan (OH)
Rep Scott Perry (PA)
Sen Ron Johnson (WI)

They will rot in prison

Roger Stone Oct Thread 15/

Separately, out of Weisselberg path to take Trump to prison for life, next to be indicted in Nov are Trump kids. NY ALREADY issued subpoena for their phones. Don Jr was plotting Jan 6th. Don Jr will flip but might not be bright enough to flip fastest

Roger Stone Oct Thread 16/

From Rolling Stone article we learned that Feds have INFORMANTS who are cooperating, apparently Katrina Pierson, and misc staffers from various members of Congress or from White House

Roger Stone Oct Thread 17/

THEN we have the Jan 6th Commission.

#MoscowMitch McTurtle tried to block it

Trump's House poodle Qevin McCarthy tried to block it

Speaker Pelosi prevailed. This committee will HELP in the above investigation.

She Da Boss of DC

Roger Stone Oct Thread 18/

So Trump has confessed to this plot before it even transpired. Feds were wiretapping at least part of seditionists, & have informants now cooperating. With Roger Stone at least 3 have flipped AGAINST him. Roger is likely first to be tried. He will flip

Roger Stone Oct Thread 19/

I said to expect Roger Stone arrest near end of year or early next year. We are now entering that window, from November. Expect Roger arrested one of these months, one of these weeks. Will be arrested. Then tried. He likely pleads guilty & flips

Roger Stone Oct Thread 20/

Roger Stone faces at least 1 Life Sentence for Jan 6 (Trump faces several). Roger ALSO faces dozens of years, up to CENTURIES for selling bribes with Trump (Trump faces 800 years on those). I expect Roger in prison for at least a decade, after he flips

Roger Stone Oct Thread 21/

The collateral damage includes at least:
Erik Prince
Alex Jones
My Pillow Guy
Don Jr
Gym Jordan
Ron Johnson
Scott Perry
Marjorie Three Toes
Mo Brooks

and of course
Donald Trump

Roger Stone Oct Thread 22/

January 6th was an attack against America, demoracy & all of us. We still feel that pain

One of organizers was Roger Stone, pardoned Repulsican scumbag felon. He is now caught, being ratted out. Roger leads us to ALL who planned Jan 6

Including Trump

PS - I am adding one RELATED development

The Ballad of Lev Parnas, how he failed in his bid to use very powerful evidence he had, to get a plea bargain.

Hear ye! Year Ye!

ALL Trumpomobsters are in danger of becoming Levparnassed

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