Alastair Thompson Profile picture
Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Oct 26, 2021, 6 tweets

#COP26 has incoming rain.... lots of it.

Yellow heavy rain warnings through Thursday.

And it's not finishing on Thursday, just perhaps getting a little lighter. Here's a 10 day forecast for the United Kingdom.


The cause of the rain is an atmospheric river coming from the mid Atlantic, followed by some storms. This 10 day precipitable water/energy animation shows airborne water flows.


This animation shows the atmospheric river in context over 94 hours through to Saturday, the eve of #Cop26. The rain moves south from Thursday onwards. Following that you can see it has the Ibrerian Peninsula in it's sights.

Here we see a full long range forecast through to Friday in the final week of #COP26. This forecast simulation also shows significant rain across Western Europe, Sudan Ethiopia and possibly in the Eastern Sahara.

And another wet storm in the North West Atlantic at the close.

Here we see the same simulated data run plotted as accumulated rain through Friday 11th November, with accumulated rain in Scotland over that period reaching 5-6 inches.

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