Fáilte roimh na Zapatistas a tháinig go hÉirinn Profile picture
Irish-based network supporting the Zapatista tour to listen & speak w grassroots movements and communities in struggle (N,S,E,W): 12 - 26 Oct. Breathing out!

Oct 26, 2021, 17 tweets

The #Zapatista tour of #Ireland is winding up...

They have met w social movements and communities in struggle across the island...

Each learning from each other, and thinking together...

How do we build a better world?

Y'day they visited #LoughNeagh and heard from lake protectors who are challenging agricultural pollution and sand dredging of the lake bed.

The struggle against #extractivism is a global one.

At the #Belfast community garden GROW, working across community divides and with migrant & women's groups.

#AgroEcology is a fundamental and #indigenous Zapatista principle.

This morning the #EZLN delegates did a radical political tour of Belfast taking in the murals, peace walls and interface areas with @PPR_Org

At the international wall

Solidarity reaches beyond borders

The laughter of our children

The politics of language has accompanied the whole tour of Ireland:

- between Irish, Mincéir Thari / Traveller Cant, migrants' many native languages and English

- between Tojolabal, Tzoltal, Tzetzil, Chol, Zoque or Mam and Spanish

- between Spanish and English...

This afternoon in @Culturlann meeting community groups engaged in housing, migrant and language rights

The compas are leaving the island, but we're not leaving each other's hearts.

Walking, we ask questions, together

When we invited the #Zapatistas to #Ireland, we wanted to start conversations "from below and on the left", between rebels, social movements and communities in struggle

We told people here who the #EZLN were

@GalwayFeminist shared stories from #Chiapas about autonomy, the Zapatista womxn's movement, food sovereignty, radical education and community media...


We tried to explain why the #EZLN Journey for Life matters, and tried to tell the Zapatistas about our own struggles in Ireland...


... ppl raised funds, cooked, drove, painted banners, made connections, translated, opened their homes, organised practicalities, made it all happen.

Donations still very welcome!


Mostly tho it is about the conversations between movements about how to make a different world.

What are you doing and how? What are we doing and how?

What can we learn from each other?

How can our movements make a world where many worlds fit?

To be continued...

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