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(오러리) KR/EN translations for the 12 #LOONA #이달의소녀 members🌙 #artms #loossemble #chuu #yves | Part of fansub team: @gointosubbit

Oct 27, 2021, 18 tweets

[LIVE] #LOONA Yves is live on Instagram
Favorite pose?
She's got a habit of this one, palm on chin

Room tour
Candles by window from Vivi
Lamp from Lip

Yves told her Fact In Star co-host Yoo Jaehwan at the time that she was interested in making music, and he helped her out a lot (as he also makes music)

He helped her learn to make music, asking her what audio equip she needed (she said speakers and stuff), and he shipped these over directly


Yves' favorite LOONA song is Stylish

You were really surprised when I went live first? But I'll go live often, since the company let us go live freely now.

I could really talk forever, if I'm not feeling shy.

Plans for today? I went to the company building to talk to you all, practice, eat... Dunno, I want to do something new too.

She'll eat something ordered from the brunch cafe near the company

Should I use the filters? Though you don't like them...
Oh the fan manager unnie's on her way. She's outside. Oh, hang on, gimme a little bit.

How come livestreams are so short? Everyone, I dropped by to keep my promise, though it's an ambiguous time..

Screenshot time before I go, but hang on.

Got it? Thanks everyone. Be sure to eat
"ha sooyoung's serious about screenshot time..."
Yeah, even if I'm a little puffy right now, I hope you like it.

Always be happy and I'll drop by frequently. Thanks so much for supporting us even when we couldn't see each other much,

Gonna go now for real, bye, love you

[00:00 Runback since I missed the first 10 or so mins]
My face's really puffy since I had late-night food yesterday.
Can you even see my eyes?
Huh? "How pretty?"
Connection's not great, right?

Have I eaten? I slept in today so I haven't eaten yet, I got delivery to the office. There's lots of good spots around here, like this one brunch cafe.

I said I'd be back next week right? So I'm here today to keep my promise.
I asked the fan manager unnie who handles content, who said my room's towards the center of the building so the wifi's unstable here. My room's at the very end.

But it's fine now. She says she'll come down if it lags again.

Show the back of my phone?
A fan gave me this case, and in here, this sticker was from my older sister, she was on twitter and showed me, a fanmade sticker of me.

Yves has a friend who's very good at Japanese, so she asked the friend about greetings for her Japanese debut. Rather than "yves-des" the friend recommended something more unique, so that's how I got to saying I was "baby apple Yves"(?) [in Japanese].

Sing Not Friends? I just woke up but should I try? Hang on. I got water.

TMI for today? I woke up late and took the taxi here, and got so carsick. I get carsick a lot in taxis.

[she sings a little Not Friends]
Sorry everyone, it's been an hour since I woke up.

Have you listened to the remixes?
Yes! While getting, Jinsoul and I were doing makeup and she played it. Jinsoul and I liked the Orbit remix a lot.

She reads chat, some are at work, some are uni students saying there's so much hw and that profs think students only take their class and assign a ton of hard homework
"I have a friend in grad school, that friend's always having a tough time. Fighting!"

and Yoo Jaehwan (her Fact in Star co-host) actually got her this mic setup along with her speakers for basic recording

Top of the thread catches up for the rest of the live:

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