Gbenga Samuel-Wemimo Profile picture

Oct 27, 2021, 8 tweets

We have now gotten to the roofing stage of this project. The roofing has to be done immediately because this is the rainy season and that is the only way work can continue when it rains. (we have prayerfully controlled the rain for some days)
Please we need your support at this

The estimate sent to us for this stage and the ceiling is about 3.5 million naira for both materials and labour. Unlike Nigeria, the hardware store in the Philippines is like a supermarket
The prices are fixed and we know exactly how much we need for this phase

That will be 224,500 Philippines Pesos.
The exchange rate is 1 dollar to 50 pesos and so it is easy for us to work out what that is in terms of naira
If the Lord has drawn you towards this project, I ask you not to hesitate anymore.
After the roofing, the other things we will do

are the electrical, windows, doors, altar, ceiling fans and chairs.
We do not intend to give unto God a gift that cost us nothing or that is too cheap to befit his glory.
My appeal is to that one@person who knows in his or her heart that this chariot as positioned for him to join

Please send me a DM or a WhatsApp message as soon as you see this.
I have a policy of not letting anything I do for God or any man drag. I do God’s work hastily because the King’s business requires haste.
I have also seen how God hastens to do anything I require or demand of him.

I don’t believe I have to turn to God and ask him for support when He has vessels whom He had prepared ahead to do a task. If I did that, I would be depriving the vessels of their blessings.
I can also finish this project by myself, but that again would mean I am depriving a

saint of supernatural blessing. I do not want to stand in anybody’s way. This project is a blessing and a doorway to international blessings for many. Kindly take advantage of this opportunity.
Please note, this is not some money doubling scheme for desperate people. The people

I am calling knows themselves and they can hear the voice calling them clearly.
Desperate money doublers and materialistic seed sowing goons should please avoid this message.
I am building a house for my God, let those called to do the same arise and let us build. Thank you

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