Saditha Kaluarachchi Profile picture
Speculating on growth stocks. Sometimes on crypto.

Oct 29, 2021, 10 tweets


Please note that this is not IA, Do your own DD and make the trade your own

#StockMarket #Investment #SriLanka #COVID19LK

#SFL - Right on support, volume has also come down which is good. Pretty much no sellers, but that in itself is not a proper buy signal. Ideally would like to see buying pressure come early next week

#TILE - Looking good, strong run up after breaking prior ATHs. Strong vol came in today, so I would have a tight stop and trade it in anticipation of prices making newer highs

#ASIY - My opinions is that the bearish trendline is what is important to break. Stop is pretty evident at 3 (Not exactly at 3 but below it)

#DPL - Forming a large base (Cup and handle) - No Confirmation since the right part of the handle is yet to form. An early entry can be on a break above that 15.20 level - Volume needs to be seen on that break

#PABC - Good breakout and pullback. Volume also has come in this week which is good, means that buyers are active. Next real R level is 21 - 21.25

#NEST - A good example of accumulation and distribution. So far looks alot like distribution but the stock is very illiquid. The chart is also on the monthly

#RWSL - A pretty solid technical chart. Clear resistance from the long bearish trendline and near 8.50 - I would keep an eye on that trendline break for a strong upside move. Volume needs to come as well. Risk is mentioned

#KZOO - Trading in a tight range. Stop is pretty evident and also heavy R around 8.50. A successful breakout there and prices could test the 9.30 - 9.50 level

#SPEN - Posted this a week for back, didn't break 87.50, so a better entry is to probably wait for a retest of 80 and a tight stop below 80. Target is mentioned from the large base it formed over several months

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