James Stephenson Profile picture
@ElonMusk and I own Tesla (along with several other people).

Oct 30, 2021, 20 tweets

Here's my latest Tesla forecast. Several of you, after reading one of my 69-tweet threads, requested a "420" thread, so here it is:

πŸ€ The first tweet has 4 green charts
2⃣0⃣ tweets in total

The last 4 of 20 tweets contain previously unreleased detail on 2022-2023.

This chart shows Tesla's actual revenue by quarter.

Please note that Q4 2021 has not happened yet. πŸ‘€

Here are the deliveries I'm forecasting for Tesla by site, by model, by quarter.

Rather than assuming GF4 will never build Model 3, I have just pushed it out 2 more years, which means I actually have an unannounced European model starting production before Model 3 now.

While the previous chart showed all models (including a couple of unannounced ones I expect), this S3XY chart shows only the 4 models Tesla makes today, including vehicles that will be produced in Texas and Germany.

This chart shows just Tesla's top 2 selling models.

For the next few years:
Model 3 will be made only in Fremont & Shanghai
Model Y will be made in Fremont, Shanghai, Texas, & Germany

...allowing it to become 🀞 the world's #1 selling vehicle (by revenue, then by units).

This chart shows the expense related to Elon's 2018 CEO Performance Award (stock compensation plan), by quarter.

$1.974B of the $2.283B possible expense has already hit as all of the market cap work is done, so expect relatively low quarterly expense from now on.

This chart shows the breakdown of Tesla's revenue by source, on an average dollar basis.

I expect regulatory credits (in orange) to become a smaller and smaller contributor on a percentage basis as time goes by.

Automotive revenue includes FSD sales, which I expect to grow.

Similarly, this chart shows how Tesla spends its average dollar of revenue.

"Everything Else Excl. Stock Comp" includes taxes, which is why it decreases in Q4 2021 when I think Tesla will take a 1-time benefit from prior years' losses and then pay more taxes as profits grow.

Here's a chart showing what I forecast for Non-GAAP Earnings per Delivery.

The $8,653 profit/delivery Tesla made in Q3 alone is actually much higher than the TTM average.

I boxed the quarters impacted favorably by that 1-time tax benefit from prior years' losses.

"But what about regulatory credits?"

The 🐻🐻🐻 have mostly given up on this popular 2020 criticism, probably for the reason illustrated on this chart:

Even if you just subtract the regulatory credits revenue from earnings (not valid accounting), there's still a profit.


Here's my forecast for quarterly adjusted EBITDA.

This assumes (among other things) successful ramping of the new factories, Tesla will be able to supply them all with cells, a few unannounced models, enough progress on FSD to increase its price steadily, etc.

This chart shows a truly remarkable achievement on Tesla's part: improving gross margin percentages over the past 4 years even as revenue per delivery declined significantly.

Here's the slide I would typically show first. Everything but the last column are actuals now.

Any automaker would trade for the up-and-to-the-right trend Tesla has shown over the last 8 quarters, against severe headwinds.

This slide shows deliveries, revenue, and revenue per delivery by model.

Here's the income statement I'm forecasting for Q4, alongside the last 4 years of actuals.

I realize that's not showing you very much of my forecast for coming years, so stay tuned...

Here's some share count, COS %, Margin %, and delivery by site and model info.

I forecast 69 Model Y deliveries in Q4 from both Germany and Texas, and I expect those forecasts won't be off by more than about 69.

OK, here's the Income Statement I'm forecasting, including 2022-2023, by quarter, for the first time.

The growing order backlog bodes well for Tesla's ability to take additional pricing and introduce new models, as cell supply may permit.

Here's a bunch of metrics I use to forecast the CEO Compensation plan expense, a breakdown of stock compensation by type, non-GAAP earnings and EPS, and other metrics that may be of interest.

This page shows metrics relating to P/E, PEG, a reconciliation of GAAP net income to Adjusted EBITDA (Non-GAAP), regulatory credits as a % of automotive revenue, automotive gross margin excluding regulatory credits, and total production, inventory, and deliveries.

And, finally, here are the deliveries I'm projecting by site and model, by quarter, through 2023.

You made it to the end of the 4 20 thread! πŸ₯‚πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰πŸΎEnjoy your weekend.


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