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(오러리) KR/EN translations for the 12 #LOONA #이달의소녀 members🌙 #artms #loossemble #chuu #yves | Part of fansub team: @gointosubbit

Oct 31, 2021, 49 tweets

[LIVE] #LOONA VLIVE: "Halloween with a black cat"

@loonatheworld Vivi brought a cat in black over since that seemed to fit the Halloween theme

@loonatheworld Vivi made these dalgonas, she doesn't want to show them 'til later
They're going to wait a little for Orbits to come in since it was a surprise vlive
The hats Hyunjin got on her way here

@loonatheworld Vivi likes Halloween
She feels like they haven't done much on the day of Halloween, and mentions the vlive that the 4members and the ghost that were on vlive the other day - she saw a glimpse of them doing that but she wasn't in a state in which she could show herself, she says

@loonatheworld I saw them do that thought we should do one too. We prepared a lot, but didn't bring much today.

[They're going to do the dalgona game too]

We don't have a prize - we only have a punishment. This is [a makeup thing] for Halloween disguises... Loser gets this applied

@loonatheworld Q: How did she make the dalgona?
Vivi: I sent you the picture though
Hyunjin: ?
Vivi: did i not send it?
Hyunjin: no
Vivi: 😅
Hyunjin: ... Who did you send it to then!

@loonatheworld She failed making dalgona a bunch - this was her first attempt. Added too much baking soda and it ended up being more like caramel

The second one failed as well but "it's still edible"

@loonatheworld This one you shouldn't eat as it's totally burnt - but she could at least make the star impression on it. "Still made well, right?"
But this one was the first, so the ones later were made better.

@loonatheworld Hyunjin: chat says how about eating this for punishment
Vivi: That's too much like having your actual health on the line

@loonatheworld Vivi says it was fun making the dalgona still, even though she failed a bunch of times, she thought it would be easy but it was really hard. Turns out the people who make and sell these on the street are actually amazing.

@loonatheworld "So I made these just for game purposes. You can't eat them though."

@loonatheworld They set a timeout for 10min but they don't think they'll need it

I made the outlines really deep, so I think we can do it.
On the vlive, they all failed, but Choerry did well. They had an umbrella, but they all failed! Only Choerry's had some sort of shape, like halfway.

@loonatheworld Hyunjin tries licking the dalgona
Vivi: How is it...?
Hyunjin says it's bitter - doesn't know what it tastes like... Tastes like.. Detergent
Vivi mentions again that she used baking soda

@loonatheworld Hyunjin's going much faster
"you know how competitive I am right..."
(she finishes)

Vivi breaks hers near the last step
"I guess I would've just been shot and killed at this moment, huh."

@loonatheworld Oh, I could've done it. But I was too slow, nothing I could do.
Hyunjin: Time for the punishment unnie
Vivi: Let's read some comments first.

@loonatheworld Hyunjin tries this one (the edible one) and Vivi says yeah, that's the edible one, the rest are for the game

Hyunjin offers some to Vivi but, Vivi just had braised chicken with Choerry before this

@loonatheworld Showing all the dalgona she made

@loonatheworld Q: Was it not tiring?
Vivi: making dalgona? It was really fun. One shame is that you need a ladle but I used a mini square frying pan normally used for eggs. So it didn't come out looking that great. On the way back to the dorm I'll get a ladle and try again. It was fun.

@loonatheworld I saw this as a trainee once but I didn't know what it was at a time. But she learned thru Squid Game

Vivi says Hyunjin always impersonates the grandpa "Stop...! We're all gonna die at this rate..!" and says that she was good at it

Vivi saw Squid game over chuseok in one go

@loonatheworld Hyunjin: But while watching, I kept thinking how the Squid Game logo looked like LOONA's logo.
Chat: Do they have dalgona in Hong Kong?
Vivi: No, I didn't even know these were edible. Or tasted good. I tried eating some while making them and I was like "oh this is good"

@loonatheworld Hyunjin recommends her to try dalgona latte - Vivi says it sounds pretty good, now that she knows what dalgona is

@loonatheworld They think about making dalgona latte sometime

Hyunjin: ok time for your punishment
Vivi: Wait have you read the comments yet? Let me check out some comments...

@loonatheworld Hyunjin: ok come over here
Vivi: Make it look good
Hyunjin: look good?

Hyunjin: I should have a brush for this...

Vivi said she got multiple colors but only this one got here in time

@loonatheworld Hyunjin: wow unnie you look so scary
Vivi: I think I'll have to see myself first... Am I gonna be surprised? Why does it feel like only one side's done? Did you do both sides?
Hyunjin: Yes! But you have to smile really wide. Happy!

@loonatheworld Vivi: it's like a mustache?

Vivi: well it's halloween, we all gotta do something, right? It would be boring if only I did it. Right? Right?

Hyunjin offers a rematch for Vivi to get another shot at Hyunjin, but she says they already broke the dalgona

@loonatheworld Hyunjin pulls two out but Vivi says the two aren't fair, the shapes are too different (in difficulty)

Hyunjin lets Vivi pick and starts
Vivi: wait you have to say start!
Hyunjin: Start
(They go at it again)
Vivi's shape is a heart, Hyunjin's is a flower shape

@loonatheworld Vivi: I think I got it! Daebak! Wow but you're so fast, even though it was a hard one...
Vivi: Oh her's broke. bang. Now...

@loonatheworld Hyunjin asks Vivi to draw her as a cat
Vivi: Orbit, did Hyunjin make me look good? Let me read the comments... If they say yes I'll make you look good too.

@loonatheworld Vivi:
They're all saying no!
They're saying let's draw a runny nose.
Hyunjin: Orbit. Do you want that.
Vivi: Orbits said let's get revenge.
Hyunjin: Just know, I made you look good. IF I wanted to make you look bad it would've looked so bad you would've turned off the stream.

@loonatheworld Hyunjin: Like, you know me right.
Vivi: uh huh...
-- she starts drawing
Vivi: I don't think I can do this!
Hyunjin: Yeah, you can't, right?
Vivi: Nah I can, close your eyes.

Hyunjin: Time limit. Orbits, set a timelimit, hurry.

@loonatheworld Vivi: Orbits tell me what to draw, I'll draw it all
We'll set the time limit to 50 minutes.

@loonatheworld [Vivi draws a Santa mustache]
I should have blusher for this...

Hyunjin: "Stop...! We're all gonna die at this rate..!"

Vivi: Is it over? I'm not done.
Vivi decides to stop there though after Hyunjin reminds her that she didn't go too far up on her face when she went

@loonatheworld Rock paper scissors best of 3 for another go at it

Hyunjin wins 2-0

Hyunjin: close your eyes unnie
Vivi: I did my eyeshadow really well today, for the vlive.
Hyunjin: Me too~ (she starts drawing)

@loonatheworld Vivi: what did you just say, not going higher up the face...
Hyunjin: I won rock paper scissors though.

Vivi: Don't I need to turn off the vlive now? I can't see, I might have to leave.
Hyunjin: No open your eyes
(Vivi says she can't)

Hyunjin says she agrees she went too far and tells Vivi to draw on her face then

(Vivi opens her eyes)

Vivi: alright I'm erasing your eyebrows
You know how it takes 2 hours to draw eyebrows but a minute to erase them...
Let's get you white eyebrows

Vivi: We should just go outside like this. Since it's Halloween today?

Choerry walks in their room
(clapping and laughing off-screen)

Vivi: Totally cute.
Hyunjin: aeong

Vivi: Honestly Hyunjin went too far didn't she? I drew her to look pretty! But she waslike...
Hyunjin: It's halloween! Only happens once a year.
They ask Choerry who looks worse / drew more nicely, she says Vivi's nicer
Hyunjin says yes but who looks more like Halloween

And Choerry says Vivi looks more like Halloween
Choerry: but what going on here...

They ask if Choerry wants to join but she just finishes the eyebrow on Hyunjin
Choerry thought it was whipped cream

Vivi says it's the same makeup clowns use

Hyunjin asks for the makeup (and looks into a mirror)

Vivi: Wasn't this supposed to be a punishment?

*Hyunjin dabs Choerry's lip with the makeup*
Hyunjin: Wait careful, you're not supposed to eat this
Hyunjin: While you're at it let's get you in on this
Choerry says she's good
[Hyunjin looks at the stream]
huh?? this went too far! (leaves)
Vivi: This is your seat now

Vivi sees herself on stream
Choerry (compliments her, says she looks good)
Vivi: I'll just trust Choerry!
(Choerry starts laughing)
Vivi: What're you laughing for!
Choerry starts putting the white makeup on her lips
Vivi: while you're at it let's draw more on you! It's Halloween!

Hyunjin (off screen): Choerry... What are you doing...?
Choerry: I don't think I can meet you Jinsoul unnie.. Sorry! (earlier, Choerry said she was busy and had to meet up with Jinsoul)

[Hyunjin back with most of the stuff erased]

Vivi: this is fun! I love this. Love my face.
[They talk about wrapping up soon, in a rush, Vivi slows it down]

Hyunijn: did you like the disguise?
Vivi: totally! I wanted exactly a clown, but with the big red mouth to the sides..
Choerry: Like the Joker?
Vivi: kinda like that

Aeongie wasn't it fun?
Choerry: don't cry unnie!
Hyunjin: I think we made some good memories... It was fun doing this, plus even with the bright Choerry.
Choerry: When I watched the stream I saw your nose and mouth drawn over, but when I got here... It was all over!

Vivi says this was fun, plus they got a special guest Choerry, which made it even better.

Before the end the stream they'll read some comments

Vivi just remembered that she wanted to take a selfie with their faces drawn over
Hyunjin: And who would you want to show that to..?
Vivi: Orbits, don't you need to take pictures of times like this?

Vivi says they all 12 should do something next year - it would be even more fun if there was a fansign near this time or something, with fans even involved

Then they wrap up saying bye to Orbits

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