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Oct 31, 2021, 13 tweets


After reports of atrocities against Muslims in Tripura, a team of #SupremeCourt lawyers & Rights Org. visited areas, religious places which were attacked & spoken to victims & eyewitnesses.

A thread-

"State-sponsered violence led by VHP" team.

Locals alleged, an armed mob of 10,000 alleged VHP men accompanying Police set the religious places on fire, vandalised homes of Muslims and were raising slogans to defame Muslims.

Locals have also shown the videos of the rally on which provocative slogans were raised by mob.

A religious place located in Udaipur Kakrabanse of South Tripura was burnt to the ashes by the mob, alleged fact-finding team after speaking with the locals.

Religious books which were kept inside were also set ablaze.

The mob entered inside a home of Muslim family and snactched gold chain from the a woman and her daughter's neck.

The fact-finding team was struggling with Bengali language but with the help of locals they are trying to dig up the truth.

Resident of Rowa village of North Tripura Dist Kamruddin alleged, few fire tenders which were called, majority of them were empty.

When fire officials tried to douse the flames, cops accompanying mob were stopping them.

"We want justice," said Kamruddin who sells Coconut water.

Ranjeet Tripura, a local alleged VHP men were giving open call to Hindus "Jo Hindu nahi aaya, wo Hindu nahi hai". But he chose not to go.

"They set the homes, religious places on fire and also vandalised it," he said.

Team came to the conclusions that 51 protests were held in Tripura against reports of attack on Hindu minorities in Bangladesh. Violence started after the demonstration.

Police who was accompanying with the mob were unarmed and didn't stop them.


Team will soon release its detailed report in Delhi which will be sent to President, CJI, Union Home Secretary, National Commission for Minorities, NHRC & media.

The team was jointly headed by Supreme Court advocate @ehteshamhashmi2 & Adv Amit Srivastava.

@VTankha @pbhushan1

Testimony of a local shopkeeper Nezam Uddin whose shop was burnt to the ashes by the mob when they failed to enter inside the mosque, they claimed.

The locals also claimed the same to the fact finding team.

Link of video shot during a peace meeting that took place days after the incidents of violence (In Bengla).

Live video was aired from BJP Minority Morcha Tripura Pradesh's FB page facebook.com/minority.morch…

A local has also shared translation of video. It may not be 100 accurate.

@JamiatUlama_in की टीम ने भी आज त्रिपुरा के पाल बाजार और पानी सागर का दौरा किया और उपद्रवियों द्वारा जला दी गई जगहों का जायजा लिया।

Listen to the members of #Tripura_violence_fact_finding team.

Adv Amit Shrivastava, who is a lawyer in Delhi, sharing his observations on the violence that erupted on October 26 in Rowa locality of Tripura.

"Mob mistakenly burnt a shop of non-Muslim. To correct it,..."

"The rally was carried out with JCB..." said a member of fact-finding team.

Ad Mukesh & Ad Ansar are sharing their observations over Tripura violence. "No record of any previous communal violence."

@INCTripura @derekobrienmp @PradyotManikya @MamataOfficial @VTankha

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