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An international alliance promoting a non-medicalised approach to sex & gender. We support Stats For Gender, Beyond Trans & the Gender Dysphoria Support Network

Oct 31, 2021, 10 tweets

Drumroll… it’s time to reveal to the world
@Genspect’s first ever daughter website,! This site is intended for parents, journalists, politicians, and the growing group of people who are interested in gender.

The world of gender has been blighted for far too long with low quality research, online surveys and selection bias. gives you the information you need to know, in one place, without too much academic jargon. 2/10 presents simple, easily understood information in a clear manner, eg: The term ‘Two-Spirit’ is not an ancient Native American term. It was invented in 1990. Evey point is backed up by research that has been selected for it's reliability

At @genspect we've noticed the need for clear information. Did you know "Up to a quarter of transgender genital surgeries result in incontinence"? This important information need to be highlighted. For further information go on to and expand the link 4/10

Education sets us free to make safe, informed decisions. Where possible, has done its best to avoid heavily academic language so we can help everyone to make important decisions with the best information available to them

"The District of Columbia in the US has 3.5 times more people who identify as trans than any other state in the USA." Why is this? Who knows? We hope that by highlighting the facts around gender, might encourage people to further study this field.

We are very aware that stats for the transgender population are often difficult to quantify as different definitions are used to describe the term ”transgender”. Our focus is to underpin the statements we provide with sound research.

We know that this is a controversial area of research and that short statements cannot comprehensively cover every topic; however, aims to bring some much-needed clarity to this area for reasonable people who want to know the most apt answer

When the famous squirrel trainer @JohnCleese recently asked a reasonable question about how many trans folk were there in the UK, he received 419 different answers: this is the type of thing that makes it impossible to find the basic facts

and this is why @genspect are launching We want to help disseminate as much reliable information as far as possible. We’d like this to be shared as far and wide as can be, so please don’t hesitate to share this with whoever might be interested

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