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The dapperest of ducks. I mock and I know things. QAnon analysis featured in Vice, Newsweek, Daily Mail, CBS News. Find me on Bluesky & Mastodon (@journa.host)

Nov 1, 2021, 8 tweets

The JFK Jr wing of QAnon has become convinced that the Kennedy family is going to make some sort of grand reappearance in Dallas tomorrow and announce that Trump is President again.

This particular prophecy is being spread by "Whiplash347" and "Negative48," who I'd have called 'fringe QAnon' a year or two ago, but now have 250,000 & 100,000 followers respectively on Telegram, making them just as or even more popular than Joe M, Sather, IET, or Praying Medic.

Let me go ahead and tell you how this plays out

As has been pointed out by @QOrigins' SweetAnon, a big reason for the importance of 'the Julian Calendar' is that it gives you the opportunity to play with the dates, bring in other calendars, etc

That's what the Millerites did a few times, switch calendars and pick new dates

Though speculation around his death predates QAnon, JFK Jr was inserted into the Q mythos in June 2018 when someone claiming to be him posted on 8chan and took credit as the mind behind The Plan.

This is shaping up to be amazing, they're honestly gathering to watch the prophecy be fulfilled just like the Millerites or the Dami Mission believers.

With no reappearance at Dealey Plaza this afternoon, believers and fans of Negative48 turn their eyes to the Rolling Stones concert in Dallas tonight, where they seem to believe JFK Jr will be unveiled live on stage.

QAnon John ends the day where he began, trying to please both sides of the JFK Jr debate.

He suggests that not only is it possible one of the two speakers he had at the Patriot Double Down is JFK Jr in disguise, but in fact that's the only way JFK Jr could return to public life.

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