Billy Bostickson 🏴👁&👁 🆓 Profile picture
Billy Bostickson is your Friend PR Secretary Rage University Coordinator of DRASTIC at

Nov 1, 2021, 9 tweets

1. Calling for Volunteers to help map BSL 3 & 4 Labs

#DRASTIC Bio-Safety Labs World Map

Only 12 Lab complexes added so far 😧…

2. The Volunteer who went AWOL

Unfortunately we lost our volunteer BSL Lab mapmaker to the competition

(they got a 110,00 GBP grant..we didn't)…

3. Decentralised Cooperation

Due to lack of funds, we want to decentralise the work:

One or more people from every nation to fill in a document with:

Lab names
Latitudes & Longitudes
Research fields
Viruses studied (if known)
Reference URLs

4. Excel Data Format would be helpful

(if not then html, text or word can also be sent)

When received it will be checked and added to the main Excel document that auto populates our Map.

5. Columns in our Excel file:

A for Abbreviation
B for Location (Lat & Long)
C for Laboratoires
D for Wider Facility
E for Overarching Organisation
F for Address
G for City
H for State
I for Country
J for Type of Lab
K for Lab Leak History
L for URL
M for Notes
N for Sources

6. A view only copy of our current Excel File (BSL4)…

There are other Excel files for ABSL3 and BSL3, etc

7. Contributions and offers to help can be sent to:

or uploaded to your google drive and shared via a link

This is precise, detailed & unpaid work.

The USA may need 50 people or more (one per State) due to the number of BSL3 and BSL4 labs.

8. Decentralised Future? Make it Happen!

"True progress lies in the direction of decentralization , in development of the spirit of local & personal initiative, of free federation from the simple to the compound, in lieu of the present hierarchy from the centre to the periphery"

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