Karam Bales Profile picture
Counter Disinformation Project, Former NEU and ATL executive, @Unify1Edu Officer, Freelance journalist & researcher @bylinetimes @whowhatwhy Public speaker

Nov 1, 2021, 12 tweets

Very little media coverage of the JCVI minutes, except @DailyMailUK that decides to take a pro infecting children stance

And do so by platforming Livermore who was a member of antivax HART group.

Some basic journalism would have helped

"Human shields" wasn't an Independent SAGE comment, it was a US MD who writes extensively about covid disinformation


Article then gives a platform to people who have been constantly wrong, including GBDs Livermore, and goes on to try and create concern for 5+ vaccines

Livermore says vaccinating children for herd immunity is scientifically week, he's spent best part of the past two years arguing for children to be infected to "protect the vulnerable" with herd immunity

He was happy to be in HART despite them producing lots of antivax content and conspiracy theories, involved with Russia Sputnik, the one they are accused of stealing from AZ....

Apparently we already see signs of herd immunity, during half term holiday

But this is the best bit
Says risk of ICU is 1/500,000
Later says 259 ICU admissions

So 129,500,000 children have been infected in the UK?

Then we have Viner, whose April 2020 paper claiming unlike flu children seem to have little impact on transmission, far less likely to be infection and adult to child transmission is very rare

Basis against school measures around world for a year

Viner argued to remove masks, then after masks had been removed claimed we had masks in classrooms improved ventilation and social distancing in schools would continue to keep us safe

Outright lies

Then Dingwall....

BTW JCVI accepted without vax they'd expect all children to become infected, so choosing not to vax was choosing infection instead

Apparently its a cultural divide, those crazy Americans try and avoid infection

Oh and Dingwall was at the launch party for Collateral Globals purchase of an All Party Parliamentary group, with HART helping to host of course

This Mail article is a preemptive attack against vax for 5-11, pushing a pro infection stance, encouraging hesitancy and attacking who will be most vocal critics of abandoning children to infection

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