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Nov 2, 2021, 33 tweets

Afternoon session now kicking off for @CATSINaM #BackToTheFire WA event - we will be hearing first from Assoc Prof Beverley Ewens (Associate Dean Undergraduate in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at @EdithCowanUni), and then Dr Amanda Graf and Aggie Caracciolo

Hearing (recorded) presentation from Assoc Prof Beverley Ewens #BackToTheFire

Diverse membership of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Inclusivity Committee: Ewens #BackToTheFire

Only committee of its kind in the uni, quite well established (7 years), meet every 6 weeks, report to school's executive and curricula bodies. #BackToTheFire

Ewens: enabling factors underpinned by strengths base for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to succeed at @EdithCowanUni #BackToTheFire

Some of the committee's guiding frameworks are the uni's RAP (with its own School operational plan), the Getting Em and Keeping Em report (32 recs - all still relevant today). Been part of audit of review, looking forward to its findings #BackToTheFire

. @WestRoianne notes that Indigenous nursing and midwifery students are still 30% less likely to complete Nursing and Midwifery programs. #BackToTheFire

Cultural safety training @EdithCowanUni School of Nursing and Midwifery - School is part of research being led by @WestRoianne on cultural capability measurement tool #BackToTheFire

. @WestRoianne congrats the @EdithCowanUni School for their longstanding work/commitment, and focus on the evidence base. #BackToTheFire

Also in reply, @strictlykaren welcomes the work being done at the @EdithCowanUni School, to support more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, academics and leaders at all levels #BackToTheFire

"We're not just looking for mentors, we're looking for academic inputs...." says Aggie Caracciolo #BackToTheFire

Next up we're watching a recent presentation at 18th National Nurse Education Conference 2021 by @WestRoianne (she added her own inspiration to the conference's - Cultural Safety a lifelong journey) #BackToTheFire

Why cultural safety rather than cultural competency is required to achieve health equity: a literature review and recommended definition…


Was heartening that #BlackLivesMatter was acknowledged among key issues for this year's @acn_tweet Nursing Now Australia Finale: @WestRoianne #BackToTheFire

In reference to the Getting Em n Keeping Em report:… #BackToTheFire

Establishment of @CATSINaM was a move of self-determination, as was creation of ACCHOs.

Irihapeti Ramsden identified that more Indigenous nurses were needed to improve Indigenous health outcomes.


"Remember to leave a paper trail." Words from Irihapeti Ramsden that still resonate for @WestRoianne #BackToTheFire

Here's @WestRoianne PhD: Indigenous Australian participation in pre-registration tertiary nursing courses: an Indigenous mixed methods study #BackToTheFire

Is an upward trajectory from 2012 in commencing nursing students, but also for non-Indigenous the risk is that the disparity will remain the same, continue to result in high attrition rates, Indigenous students only account for 1pc nursing workforce #BackToTheFire

750 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students commence nursing/midwifery each year, 250-300 graduate: completion rate is only rising 1pc per year: @WestRoianne #BackToTheFire

ICYMI yesterday, here's background to Muliyan, a national collaboration to decolonise health care - to be strong, political, and call out the system for how it continues to cause harm, through racism:… #BackToTheFire

"They don't know what they don't know." The need for truth telling in nursing and midwifery.

"Research is an act of resistance."

#Muliyan #BackToTheFire…

Beyond 2020: Addressing racism through transformative Indigenous health and cultural safety education - one of three publications to emerge so far from Muliyan @dauareb_le @LynoreGeia @TamaraJPower #BackToTheFire…

. @strictlykaren (Chair, Council of Deans) congratulates @WestRoianne for setting @CATSINaM on a visionary path to strengthen Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses/midwives: "It's a really exciting time to be starting to work with you more closely on this." #BackToTheFire

Hearing now from @LeeonaWest (twin sister of @WestRoianne!) about @CATSINaM scholarships, including one in honour of Aunty Grace Kong (mum of @KelvinKongENT & (more twins!) Marlene Kong and @drmarilynclarke #BackToTheFire

Heading to the end of today's @CATSINaM #BackToTheFire WA event and hearing re the design of the new logo

That's a wrap! But we'll be back tomorrow from #BackToTheFire in the ACT.....Hope you can join.

@threadreaderapp plz unroll

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