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Experience in lots of things, including, Board and CEO, FMCG, IP, patents, global manufacturing. Writes the odd article.

Nov 2, 2021, 9 tweets

The gravy train for single use plastics, packaging and other protective PPE takes no responsibility for its life cycle. And neither will #COP26


🌍300% increase in the use of single use plastics
🌍130 billion face masks and
🌍65 billion plastic latex gloves are used globally every month
🌍China manufacturing over 116 million disposable face masks a day
🌍 Number of disposable face masks used per day is over 7 billion

The global packaging market is set to grow from $909.2 billion to over $1,012.billion in 2021 to package PPE, food, consumer goods and groceries for home deliveries. Up 40%.

Because we're too scared to actually go to the shops.

The UK produces 60,000 tonnes of contaminated plastic waste per day.

🌍disposable masks
🌍disposable antibiotic wipes
🌍disposable feet protectors
🌍head caps
🌍plastic film protectors for seats, payment machines and hand rails.

All replaced daily!

Chemical disinfectants, all to keep us safe, yet all the poison our water and air quality. Creating halogenated organic compounds that are toxic, not only to marine life but also to humans.


Even companies with refill policies have ditched the progression and returned to disposable cups, containers and packaging.


There are no recognised waste disposal standards, no incentives, no contamination bins and no reduction targets for the amounts of COVID PPE waste being dumped in landfill - including waste sharps, glass bottles or seals.


Normal welfare and slavery checks on factories producing PPE were all but abandoned.


Whilst we produce more and more rubbish to keep us "safe" and ignore the daily damage to environments, #COP26 has Copped out totally on any global measures or commitments to regulate any of the above.

I can't hear you Greta.
#COVID19 #COP26Glasow

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