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Nov 2, 2021, 11 tweets

🌳 More than 100 world leaders have agreed a deal to end deforestation by 2030.

🌐 Countries including China, Brazil and Indonesia will sign the pledge at #COP26, offering some hope to activists and communities.

πŸ—£ But will it be a game-changer or just more β€˜blah blah blah’? 🧡

πŸ“œ There have been many zero deforestation deals over the years.

🟒 In 2014, 200 countries and companies pledged to restore an area larger than India by 2030.

πŸ›’ Instead, forests the size of Spain have been destroyed. The challenge isn’t signing a deal but keeping it.

πŸ’Έ $19 billion in total funding has been promised at #COP26 so far.

🌎 12 countries including the UK will give $12 billion between 2021 and 2025 to help developing nations cut deforestation.

πŸ’΅ A further $7 billion will be provided by more than 30 private companies.

⭕️ But experts say this still isn’t enough.

πŸ’° An estimated $6 billion is needed to just restore deforested land every year, according to @CIFOR.

🌳 And conserving, managing and reviving forests is even more expensive.

πŸ€” How much money do you think is needed a year to conserve, manage and revive forests?

πŸ“ˆ It will cost around $460bn a year, according to an annual report by 28 civil society and research groups on the 2014 pledge.

But countries have invested just 0.5% to 5% of this since 2010.

❗️ So that 2030 target is not likely to be reached near-term.…

🟒 Trees absorb about a third of emissions produced worldwide. But they release the carbon they store when they rot or are burned.

🌳 Conserving them is vital to curb global warming.

🚨 So how can the new deal be successful?

🌍 Experts say Indigenous communities are key to fighting deforestation.

🟒 About 35% of protected natural areas globally are owned or used by these groups.

πŸͺ‘ But they're rarely given a seat at the table to help tackle the #ClimateCrisis.…

πŸ”’ We also need tougher regulations.

πŸ“œ Having more than 30 financial institutions sign the new pledge is good.

🏦 But many large banks not involved in it are among the biggest investors in deforestation-linked companies, says @DCU assistant professor @Danny_A_Marks.

πŸ€” Do you think the Glasgow Declaration to end deforestation will be honoured?

⭕️ For the new pledge to be met, analysts say there will need to be more money, transparent monitoring and better regulation.

🟒 Read more about the Glasgow Declaration and why environmentalists are skeptical πŸ‘‡…

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