Croakey News Profile picture is NFP public interest journalism on health in all policies & equity. @alisonsbarrett is editing this week.

Nov 3, 2021, 54 tweets

Hearing at @CATSINaM #BackToTheFire the powerful presentation by @LynoreGeia at the first conference event on Yirrganydji and Yidinji Country in Cairns - was played also on previous days this week but tweeting again ICYMI

She urges deep listening for what's been happening in Australia, of the movement for Black voices that are arising, and white voices that are standing with Black voices. Listen to "the heart of the Black nation that is crying out for justice". #BackToTheFire

. @LynoreGeia writes: Today, Australia finds itself in a shifting tide of social change, where the voices for better & safer health care ring out loud. Voices for justice, equity & equality reverberate across our cities, streets, homes &institutions of learning. #BackToTheFire

"Now is the time for Indigenous and non-Indigenous nurses and midwives to make a stand together, for justice and equity in our teaching, learning, and practice. Together we will dismantle systems, policy, and practices in health that oppress." @LynoreGeia #BackToTheFire

This paper led by @LynoreGeia was conceived early after the death of George Floyd: A unified call to action from Australian nursing and midwifery leaders: ensuring that #BlackLivesMatter…

"We suggest that Indigenous nurses and midwives should be actively & authentically included in the dismantling and reform of structures in health care & education institutions that perpetuate racism in our operational spheres of engagement & influence." @LynoreGeia #BackToTheFire

Dismantling the structures of racism requires the head and the heart, knowledge, strength, humility, "for us to deeply care", a "deep measure of grace for ourselves and others", privileging the voices of the Black people, says @LynoreGeia #BackToTheFire

"For my First Nations brothers and sisters...I want to say to you, your #BlackLivesMatter'. Need to create spaces to hold each other and heal, so can give the care as nurses and midwives that want/need. @LynoreGeia #BackToTheFire

"This paper is a call out, a challenge to Australian leadership in nursing and midwifery schools, colleges, and universities to lead through action, to take racism and its effects on Black lives seriously." @LynoreGeia #BackToTheFire…

"Non-Indigenous nurses and midwives have a responsibility to stand with their Indigenous colleagues in dismantling oppressive practices in the health system." @LynoreGeia #BackToTheFire

Need to ensure cultural safety in graduates, address the lack of cultural capability in practice, mobilise the cultural determinants of health in education and research, actively politicise to improve #SDOH & make cultural determinants central to health care. #BackToTheFire

Nursing and midwifery schools, colleges, professions need to be challenged to take Black lives seriously, to ensure justice and equity is "in our philosophy of care". @LynoreGeia #BackToTheFire

"We call on our nursing and midwifery colleagues to step up, it takes both sides to dismantle the old systems of oppression and build new systems of therapeutic health justice." @LynoreGeia #BackToTheFire

. @WestRoianne welcomes the profound messages from @LynoreGeia in her #BackToTheFire presentation and the work of the unified call to action for nursing & midwifery on #BlackLivesMatter…

Now hearing from Noonuccal woman Dr Karen Martin, Education and Training Lead at @CATSINaM - talking about cultural safety, the strengths and power of Indigenous knowledge - "not just a social practice, deep and abiding meanings" from the past/present/future #BackToTheFire

Common words/terms across all sectors - "we need to get our knowledge focus right around which concept we mean/use". Beware "cultural slippage". Dr Karen Martin #BackToTheFire

"Let it torment you, let it wake you at 3am". Dr Karen Martin on the power of Irihapeti Ramsden, documenting a Maori paradigm, not using the colonial discourse on cultural safety. "We would be totally remiss if we did not sit aside her work." #BackToTheFire

Beware of cherry picking on cultural safety, says Dr Karen Martin. Irihapeti Ramsden provided a cluster of key points, that cultural safety "about the nurse, not the patient". #BackToTheFire

Irihapeti Ramsden warned that changing the name means changing the concept. #BackToTheFire

You can read Irihapeti Ramsden's PhD here… #BackToTheFire

It wasn't called 'Maori Cultural Safety' for a reason, says Dr Karen Martin - equally, Invasion is not "Aboriginal history" #BackToTheFire

'power' 'attitudes' 'safety' and 'trust' - the takeaway key concepts from Dr Irihapeti Ramsden that is informing @CATSINaM's Murra Mullangari cultural safety training, says Dr Karen Martin #BackToTheFire

Education, health, law, child removal....power is the critical factor. "Some people take it for granted, that's where they benefit or are privileged....for others, sometimes we're tricked into believing that's the way it's supposed to be" Dr Martin #BackToTheFire

Dr Martin: Powerful work of mobilising around power - getting people to pause, to see ways they can effect change.....#BackToTheFire

Twenty years ago, Irihapeti Ramsden spoke in Australia #BackToTheFire

Clinical and cultural safety: has to be both - the cultural humility model is emerging, gifts us with insight/hindsight/foresight. "This can be exciting work, it's not a burden, it can be a blessing".Dr Martin #BackToTheFire

"Our mob have been doing cultural safety for many years," says @WestRoianne, referring to development of Redfern AMS. Says @CATSINaM Murra Mullangari training, led by Dr Martin, will be "cutting edge, rigorous" #BackToTheFire

In response to urging from Aunty Dulcie Flower, @WestRoianne notes that an Aboriginal Health Accreditation Process be key to evaluation of the 'gettin' em n keepin' em' report #BackToTheFire

Next up: #BackToTheFire

Hearing from ACT Chief Nurse Anthony Dombkins about a pathway to support/enhance future Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health professionals that begins in Year 9 and 10 leading into Diploma of Nursing - similar program being developed in allied health. #BackToTheFire

Now hearing again from @HollyNortham re a Community of Practice - "safe spaces" - for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, plus a PhD scholarship offered via ACT Chief Nurse Office #BackTotheFire

Paul Spurr speaking re his work on clinical supervision programs for health professionals/care givers - "reflective practice, not oversight" - he emphasises it as restorative #BackToTheFire

Paul Spurr says he often feels like this at the end of the working week - believes clinical supervision can "pump up the tyres"

Paul Spurr: #BackToTheFire

Paul Spurr: #BackToTheFire

Hearing about this from Paul Spurr: main enablers incl strong organisational support, main barriers were time, COVID, and sometimes a lack of understanding about what clinical supervision is #BackToTheFire

Paul Spurr re clinical supervision in ACT: #BackToTheFire - says it can work against exhaustion/burnout - 'we do not learn from experience, we actively learn from reflecting on experience'

And now as we head towards the close of #BackToTheFire, we're watching this recent address by @WestRoianne at @SydneyUni_Media Distinguished Nursing Lecture Series (starts around 14.30)

UN Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples - represent the minimum standards for the survival, dignity and wellbeing of Indigenous peoples worldwide, says @WestRoianne #BackToTheFire

Four states voted against UNDRIP: Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the US #BackToTheFire

Despite UNDRIP, nursing/midwifery in Aust yet to embark on collective journey to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are not left behind, says @WestRoianne talking about the arrival of the Florence Nightingale nurses as "my people were being colonised/massacred"

Two key standards from Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia: #BackToTheFire

Shout out also to this work pursued by @JanineMilera #BackToTheFire

This is exciting, important work being led by @gregoryabstarr, @WestRoianne notes this will come before any such embedding in the Constitution #BackToTheFire

All these initiatives great, but where are the mechanisms to support, monitor and assess whether Australian nurses and midwives are meeting the standards: @WestRoianne #BackToTheFire

The role of Indigenous knowledge in training, practice, education is critical. Indigenous nursing and midwifery knowledge is not possible without Indigenous nurses and midwives. Growing and nurturing the workforce is a challenge, only 1pc of the total workforce #BackToTheFire

"My vision is for my children and grandchildren to not be at risk when they go to hospital or choose to study nursing. Nursing and midwifery professions have unique opportunity ahead." @WestRoianne #BackToTheFire

Call to action to the nursing and midwifery profession from @WestRoianne #BackToTheFire

Aunty Lynda Holden: "We need to be culturally safe to be able to think as Aboriginal people and deliver our practice as Aboriginal people." She notes John Howard resisted UNDRIP to ensure customary law may not rise above colonial law. #BackToTheFire

1945 Declaration of Human Rights - "we are still being treated as if we're still a piece of fluff floating by, we need to keep standing up, to keep saying 'we demand change and we're not going to put up with anything less than equal treatment'.." Aunty Lynda Holden #BackToTheFire

Aunty Dulcie Flower gives powerful reflection on #BackToTheFire - "All First Nations people recognise us as leaders, this country doesn't. We always had our standards high: you had to, to survive".

Farewell from @WestRoianne from the @CATSINaM #BackToTheFire series

We'll have stories to come from this week's events, here's the link to those already published:…

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