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Nov 3, 2021, 9 tweets

🇲🇬 Madagascar is facing one of the world’s first famines driven by climate change, hunger experts warn.

🔴 Families are now forced to eat insects and cactus leaves as crops fail.

🚨 @WFP says this crisis is a warning to the world. Here's why you need to pay attention. 🧵

🌽 According to @UN, severe hunger due to drought has touched over 1.1 million people in southern Madagascar.

⚠️ 14,000 of them are one step away from starvation.

🌡 A changing climate means many families who were able to live off the land 15 years ago are now going hungry, says @WFP.

🍚 The economic effects of COVID-19 and an already fragile food system have also played a role.

🏜️ Droughts aren’t new to Madagascar, but this is the nation's worst one in four decades.

☀️ @IPCC_CH says the nation is also experiencing extreme dryness.

🌡 Scientists point to human-induced #ClimateChange as the main driver of Africa’s rising surface temperature.

🌽 This isn't the first time a warming planet has deprived people of food.

🇱🇸 It was a key factor in the 2007 Lesotho crisis, say @UniofOxford researchers.

🌀2 years ago, Cyclone Idai battered Africa's east coast. It caused food shortages across Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe.

🤔 Could this happen elsewhere? The short answer is yes.

🇦🇴 Southern Angola and Kenya are now struggling with fierce drought.
🇨🇩 DRC and the Sahel region of West Africa are at risk too.
🌏 Parts of South Asia are experiencing erratic weather, which could lead to food crises.

🤔 How can we fix this?

🌽 Emergency food aid is the most pressing short-term answer.

🌾 But more long-term plans focused on adapting farming methods are needed.

🍠 For example, aid groups are now helping communities grow drought-resistant crops like sweet potato.

⭕️ @WFP is also rolling out initiatives like reforestation and economic support including microinsurance schemes in case of crop failure.

🇲🇬 Madagascar's famine should serve as an alarm bell, researchers say.

🌱At #COP26, @WFP warned that if global warming hits the 2C mark, an additional 189 million people could become food-insecure worldwide.

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