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Nov 5, 2021, 11 tweets

Durham tosses more chum in the water



"Americans hearing this news say 'there must be a problem' and that's being amplified by people seizing on it to say 'see, everything Mueller & FBI did was nonsense.' and that couldn't be further from the truth" @petestrzok #maddow

lying to FBI is a serious crime—just ask Mike Flynn—but Durham's focus is to *exonerate* Qpubs who did it (Flynn) by prosecuting folk loosely associated with Dems

deadly serious ramifications as @jimstewartson points out

tossing chum in the water

✅ attracts sharks to feed
✅ makes visibility impossible

super-convenient when DOJ's about to bring hammers down

h/t @BaddCompani

"Durham found valid wrongdoing and is crafting misleading narrative"

@clearing_fog nail/head: narrative is *the point*

chum in the water.

"DemonRats are the REAL hostile power y'all!"

get it now?

ALL OF @emptywheel's THREAD; all of it

TFG screeching about Durham could be seen as tampering if we had any justice

substance of Durham immaterial to Q-posse

aww look Angel wants to arrest Fiona Hill! adorbs!

Virginia nutbags built entire gubernatorial campaign on imagined demons

with a h/t to spelling eagle-eye @jimstewartson all it took for Michael Caputo was couple arrests and Steele Dossier/Trump-Russia are *POOF* over and done

"burning in hell" just a bonus


after noodling more I was very glad to get @JamesFourM's tweet this morning

"chum in the water" actually started with whatever fabricated stuff Kremlin planted in Steele Dossier

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