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Nov 5, 2021, 21 tweets

A Protocol & Product layer Platform for Esports & Video Entertainment 🚀

Presenting: Verasity



Coin Market Cap Metrics

CMC Ranking: #180 ✅
Market Cap: 330m ✅
Circ. Supply: 4.47B ✅
Max Supply: 10.3B ✅
24h Vol: 61m ✅

Price: $.074 ✅ (7 cents)

Exchanges: KuCoin, ZT, HitBTC, Gateio, OKEx

#Verasity is a cryptocurrency company that is involved in:

- Esports
- Video Entertainment
- Advertising

Mission: to increase engagement & ad revenue for video publishers on any video platform, while also rewarding viewers.


Through its patented Proof-Of View Technology

Being the *standalone* Patented Ad technology on the blockchain

Proof-Of-View (PoV) is targeting a 160 BILLION dollar problem:

Ad Fraud

Out of the $400B Ad industry, 40 percent of $ is wasted

When genuine engagement is hard to quantify, companies are left gambling & wasting $

The problem in context:

2 million video publishers
30-40 percent of Ad dollars lost to fake engagement & fraud
Battles between brands & 3rd party ad fraud prevention over verification of results
Less revenue/trust between parties
Content providers negatively affected

The solution?

A patented technology that can verify REAL engagement of humans while eliminating ad fraud that is recorded on an immutable blockchain.

PoV puts more $$ in the pockets of video publishers & content providers alike

Reinforcing a model for collective success 🤝

Verasity Tv is an aggregator of publishers that offers available SDK’s that include:

- YouTube
- Vimeo
- Twitch

& more.

This is a great alternative for the 2 million plus publishers struggling with revenue

Proof of View Analysis

- Detect ad fraud in REAL TIME (utilizing 200 touch points & AI)

- Verify genuine engagement by assessing human behavior

- Cut out the need for post delivery fraud analysis & refunds from publishers

- Accounts for valid AD’s

Transparent & Verifiable ✅

PoV Analysis continued:

- NFT verification & auctioning
( 50 Billion dollar potential )

- Saved & protected data in the form of a fingerprint that is hashed

- Increasing forms of video monetization (token economy, NFT’ etc)


Product Protocol & Platform Layer architecture $VRA

- VRA rewards: product
- Proprietary Video Player: product
- Proprietary AdStack: product
- VeraWallet: product payment
- PoV: protocol
- Esports fight club: platform

Verasity revenue business model:

“Subscriptions, Commissions on prize pools, and Video Ad revenues and transaction fees on Verasity products”

As well as:

- B2B products
- 3rd party auctioning
- Esports Fight Club NFT’s
- Licenses
- SDK plug ins via Verasity.Tv


$VRA is used for rewards, payments, fees & funding for all participants of the ecosystem.

$VRA is THE medium of exchange for all activity in its gaming and video economy.

Token velocity is reduced via its 25.5 percent timed staking available in the VeraWallet


Verasity also has pledged to buy back and ‘burn’ tokens to increase scarcity.

So far over 2 billion tokens have been bought back and burned

With more to happen in the future

Causing a supply shock as $VRA scales.

Esports Fight Club $VRA

Verasity’s Esports fight club runs tournaments that have featured games such as:

- Valorant
- Dota 2

& more.

These tournaments garner millions of views with gaming compatibility that has included:

- Tencent
- Blizzard
- Athena


Esports had about 120 million viewers in 2016

This number is projected to be north of 550 MILLION viewers by this year

Esports Fight Club is RIGHT in the middle of this gaming revolution🕹

& what is the utility token used for value flow?

You guessed it.



- Crypto Valley Member
- C.Z from Binance support
- Riot Games & Valorant for Esports Fight Club


Possesses decades of experience across industries like:

- Software
- Legal/Compliance
- Product Development
- Esports
- Programming

& more.


Points of interest:

- NFT marketplace
- Ad Fraud detection w/ PoV with partners
- View verification w/ PoV on chain


$VRA is primed for integration on the #metaverse ? 👀⚡️

• (NFT verification in the meta)
• (Real Estate for hosting virtual tournaments)

Endless possibilities here.


Between Esports, Ad fraud , Video Entertainment , & NFT’s

Verasity is going after hundreds of billions of dollars of market share.

Possessing PoV may be its trump card for mass adoption.

Dare I say a $MATIC type move is possible?

See you at $1 & beyond

$VRA 🚀

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