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Nov 6, 2021, 21 tweets

Prediction: sometime soon there's going to be a slice of life spin-off about the domestic life of Krillin (the ultimate Wife Guy) and Android 18 and it's gonna be a smash hit.

Shueisha please make me an editor 🙏

I earnestly think they're a great couple! Krillin is just horny enough to forgive Android 18 for mass murder / genocide. But it goes deeper than that. He realizes that she was turned into a killing machine against her will. He has sympathy for her when no one else does.

But here's the exact moment when Krillin realized Android 18 was the woman of his dreams 🦾

From Android 18's perspective, she's already one of the strongest people in the universe. She doesn't covet power either. What impresses her is Krillin's kindness and bravery. The fact that he's NOT the strongest, but is always at the front lines is what makes him really cool!

Krillin chose not to detonate the bombs inside 17 & 18. Later he tries to wish them back into humans (which wasn't possible) then wishes to have their bombs removed. All while assuming 17 was 18's lover, and not her brother. These aren't empty gestures. He's *really* helping her.

This is what impresses Android 18 about Krillin. His kindness and ability to really take care of her. And before you write Krillin off as some weak little simp, remember he's still like the 10th strongest person on all of earth haha.

Android 18 loves Krillin for his kindness and within the framework of this crazy fantasy world it actually makes sense! That's why I think a comic about their life together could really have legs. It actually has a strong emotional core! They compliment & take care of each other!

While I'm here, I just want to say, I think ALL of the main romantic relationships in Dragon Ball actually make a ton of sense! I know Toriyama likes to say he doesn't think things through, but they really really work!

Goku is 100% the kind of person to marry the first person that falls for him and become a teenage dad. And Chichi is exactly the kind of person to keep up her childhood crush for her entire life.

But it's more than that. Chichi and Goku had incredibly bizarre upbringings and family lives. These two can understand each other like no other.

People like to joke about what an irresponsible dad Goku is, but he's fundamentally a good person. Chichi has very good reason to be in love with him.

It's become a meme that "Goku doesn't know what sex is!" But remember that during the Cell Saga, sometime between waking up from his coma and preparing for a probable battle to the death, Goten was conceived. These two had their priorities!

Meanwhile Bulma and Vegeta are far easier to explain. They're obviously great together. People often point out that even if Vegeta can't beat Goku as a fighter, he's got him soundly beat as a husband and dad!

OK. So why would Bulma fall for the bad guy? Cos she's EXACTLY the kind of boy-crazy gal who will fall for the bad boy and tell herself "I can fix him." And in this case ... she does!

Moreover, Vegeta is very much Bulma's prince charming. The man of her dreams. He's literally a prince. And he's the second strongest person in the universe after Goku, who is like a kid brother to her.

From Vegeta's perspective, Bulma is essentially the princess of earth. But more than that, she's the smartest person in the universe. She's incredibly capable. You couldn't find a more impressive partner (who else can build a gravity chamber or time machine??)

Dragon Ball is rarely praised for its romance yet when I look at the marriages in DB, they actually resemble a lot of the successful marriages I've seen in real life! Toriyama often says he doesn't think things through, but his intuition is rock solid. He's a good writer!

If you enjoyed this thread, thanks for reading! And please check out my blog!

(Yes, blogs still exist! There is still an internet outside of Social Media!)

Also please check out the @ArtEaterPodcast, which I keep up with my good friends @daborsk @HokutoAndy @Thomasorus @Beefy_Kunoichi and @AJMattis (all great folks worth following!)

Oh yeah please check out the game that I'm making too!

#gamedev #indiegames #zechatactics

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