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Nov 6, 2021, 12 tweets

1. Document Trail (EHA)

From the Intercept's FOIA release:


2. Page 526

"Viral isolates will remain at the Wuhan Institute of Virology initially. Isolates, reagents and any other
products, will be made available to other NIH-funded researchers via applicable WIV and EHA Material Transfer Agreements and/or icensing agreements"

3. Cells (Page 203)

• Records are maintained for each of the cell lines regarding
1. the origin of the cell lines
2. when they were resuscitated
3. number of passages
4. all test results
5. any unique distinguishing growth behavior
6. any known genetic features.

4. Cell lInes (Page 203)

When receiving cell lines, lab members initially keep them isolated from other authenticated cell lines until mycoplasma testing & STR marker profiling is performed

All cell lines must be authenticated before commencing experimental work with them

5. Page 528

Recombinant and Wildtype Viruses and Mutant Derivatives.

All viruses will be validated and certified pure of contaminating viruses prior to use or shipment to other laboratories

6. Audit Trail (Page 527)

"UNC & WIV will implement an "audit trail" that tracks animals used in experimental investigations (Aim 3) from parents, through birth, shipment, experimentation, results, QC & analyses, providing outside researchers the ability to track experiments.."

7. Specific Aim 3 is on Page 512 and 272

Humanized mice for experimental infection for Specific Aim 3 (Page 512)

Specific Aim 3: Testing predictions of CoV inter-species transmission (Page 272)

8. RPPR reporting requirements

Research conducted at the following site(s) must be reported in your RPPR:

lnstitut Pasteur du Cambodge, CAMBODIA
King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, THAILAND
Hanoi Agricultural University, VIETNAM
National Animal Health Laboratory, LAOS

9. Also:
San Pya Clinic, BURMA
Primate Research Center at Bogor Agricultural University, INDONESIA
Conservation Medicine, Ltd, MALAYSIA

10. Hence (from @whitecoatwaste lawsuit FOIA)

"we would like to request prior approval for collecting non-human animal samples in 7 countries:
Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR , Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam" (Page 100)…

Back in 2014, Dr. Yang Zhun -Zhi, Head of infectious disease surveillance, Yunnan CDC, collected 121 Bat Fecal Samples for CoV surveillance.

From: Intercept FOIA

Understanding-Risk-Bat-Coronavirus-Emergence-Grant-Notice… (Page 166)

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